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Massive thank you to everyone who I either forced or told not to read this book (those are the only two categories). You guys are amazing.

To Aria, for carrying this book when I couldn't and coming up with 98% of the ideas in the first draft (and coming up with the book in the first place). This was your initial creation coming to life and I hope you've enjoyed how it all played out.

To Marina, for always being ready with the comments (and for laughing at our comments from 2015). I don't know where I'd be without you and I'm so glad you were with me on this ridiculously long writing journey.

To Hannah and Naomi, who I lowkey (highkey) guilt-tripped into voting for all my chapters at once (that's what you get for reading this book despite me telling you not to).

To my parents, who will hopefully never read this book or even find out about it (because then they'd want to read it, and then where would I be?).

To my 13-year-old self, for finding an outlet and creating my very own safe space. It gets better.

To God, for not striking me down when I use his name in vain in my writing, all the goddamn time. (Get it?)

To Elisa, whose work inspires me endlessly, and for writing Screenwalks which literally inspired this book and left its influence all over the first draft (and by extension, the second draft).

Thank you all so much, because without you this book would've never gotten past the first chapter. Or the second first chapter. You get the point (I'm never rewriting again).


PS thank you for putting up with the ridiculously long wait times per chapter. I don't know how y'all put up with me lmao

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