Chapter 6//A Temporary Something

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Shailene's POV

SHAILENE HAD NEVER BEEN TO A PARTY BEFORE. The closest thing to a party she'd ever experienced was playing card games with (read: throwing chips at) Summer and Holland at sleepovers. Parties — especially high school parties — seemed like a recipe for disaster, and she was definitely not interested—

"Shay?" Holland interrupted Shailene's internal monologue. "You smudged your eyeliner. Raccoon."

"Shut up, Holland," she retorted. "I was distracted thinking about this stupid party that we don't need to be going to."

"Shut up, Raccoon," Holland mimicked. "Chill, it'll be fun."

Holland stood up and pulled Shailene over to the vanity, eyeliner and makeup wipe in hand. She looked downright powerful (and a little scary) in her red velour crop top and skater skirt, and knee high black socks. She could pull off anything, makeup included; bold brows, dramatic lashes, bright lips. Holland's pale skin, dark brown hair, and blood red attire reminded Shailene of a modern (and badass) Snow White. Shailene looked like one of the Seven Dwarfs in comparison.

"I don't want to wear this," she complained, gesturing to the blue jeans and too-large tank top she was wearing.

"Then don't wear it," Holland responded flatly.

"I have nothing to wear," Shailene concluded. "I guess I'll just have to stay home—"

Holland slammed the eyeliner down and groaned exasperatedly. Then she stomped over to her closet and began rummaging around in it. After a few moments, she threw a pile of clothes onto the bed.

"Take your pick."

The items were all very Holland-y: short dresses and skirts with bold prints or studs or slogans. Shailene picked up a tight black bodycon dress with a plunging neckline.

"How and why do you have this?"

Holland shrugged casually. "You never know when you're gonna need a bodycon."

Shailene rolled her eyes and sighed. "I can't pull any of this off."

Holland mumbled something along the lines of, if you're lucky, Ky'll pull it off for you, before going back to her closet. She returned moments later with a navy blue t-shirt dress.

"How about this?"

Shailene nodded in approval. "I think I can work this."

Holland smiled. "Good. Now hurry up so we can go before you change your mind again."

• • •

Shailene complained a lot on the car ride to the party. She complained about her makeup, her outfit, Holland's ugly old Buick, and most prominently, the fact that they were going to a party. The party thrower, Ryan Hunter, a member of the lacrosse team who just so happened to have a huge crush on Holland, was not someone Shailene had ever talked to before. But Holland continuously insisted that he was a nice kid and that Shailene should just relax and try not to make a fool of herself (especially around Ky).

"I think I know why you're in such a bad mood," Holland said over the sound of her ugly old Buick squeaking as they turned right.

"Enlighten me."

"You're pissed that Ky didn't ask you to the party," Holland explained, like she already knew she was right (she was).

"You can't just kiss a girl on her front porch and then never talk to her again!" Shailene exploded.

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