Boys, Boys, Boys 4: Shades

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Wow. I should stop writing stuff on the spot, cause it might come out wierd as hell. Well, whatev. I hope you guys like this peek into my super crazy, and super magical mind.


Chapter Four:

I landed on my four giant paws with a barely audible 'thud'. I felt the smooth coolness of the grass under my paws as I ran faster than I'd ever run before. Which was pretty damn fast.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, I am a Shade. A special shade, an almost extinct one. A Shade is a half human. We don't know what the other half is, we just know we're not all human. Shades are shifters. Wolf-Shades are commonly mistaken as Children of The Moon or as Werewolves, but we're not even close. I'm a God-Shade, a Shade with special Gifts. God-Shades can shift into anything animal. Very few can do other humans. It's said that there are only 5 left in the world, and that they are being hunt down for their blood. Blood of the God-Shades makes the drinker immortal. It also gives them a Gift. The Gifts vary from God-Shade to God-Shade, but one thing stays the same. God-Shades are dying. And because we are so rare, we are hunted even more. A God-Shade is identified by a mark aomewhere on there body. Mine is over my right eye in wolf form. A black tribal mark that resembled a crescent moon. It wrapped arounf the top of my eye, down to the bottom.

I am a very special breed. I am a God-Shade with the Gift of Thieves. We can steal gifts from other creatures, and pick up random powers at random times. I am the most wanted of them all. I first shifted when I was 11. After my twin was killed, I exploded. I ran from everyone. I picked up speed when I reached the forest.

I howled, just to see if there was any other wolves around. My howl was just a normal call, no words, and no specific person to pick it up. Almost immediately I heard a return howl. I blinked in shick and stopped running. I whipped around and looked at the direction from which it came. A few seconds later I heard a few more different howls, from different wolves. My heart raced. I was surrounded by wolves. The howls came from different places around me, in almost a perfect circle.

I howled, saying 'Friend or Foe?' I heard paws racing toward me, not nearly as fast as I was going before. Barely even half as fast. But what was concerning was that there was at least 14 of them. And they all smelled like Wolf-Shades. I sighed in relief and sat down on my flanks, waiting for them to close in, and to see if they were going to try and get themselves killed. I licked my paws as I waited, and finally, the circle closed in.

They came from behind the trees and sniffed the air, trying to smell me. They eyed me curiously, but with guarded eyed. The biggest of them stepped forward. He looked familiar, with his short hair that was a deep red, and the little scar under his left eye. It bugged me that I didn't recognize him.

'Who are you?' He sent to me. I cocked my head and perked up my ears.

'Who are you?' I sent back to him. He growled and bared his teeth at me. I gave him a wolfy grin. 'I wouldn't do that. You just might get yourself hurt.'

'Answer!' Another wolf snapped, coming up from my right side.

'I will answer when I like.' I snapped and growled at all the wolves, my eyes flashing a neon green. The wolves all blinked and noticed my mark. The lot of them stepped back a few paces and their fur raised. 'Don't worry, I'm fairly certain I won't have to kill you.' I said casually and stood up. 'Now, who are you? Are you a pack?' I asked curiously. They shook their heads and started telling me their names. I didn't remember any of them. They were all guys. I blinked. Female Wolf-Shades must be rare. 'Where do you all live?'

They nodded there heads toward the school. I furrowed my brows. 'The school?' They nodded cautiously. I nodded after a second. I guess there's bound to be some Shades at a school that big.

'Do you live in the area?' The big red one asked. I nodded slowly.

'Kind of.' I said and sniffed the air. I smelled a little bit of sweetness. I sniffed and kept walking toward the scent, aware of all the eyes watching me. I ended up sniffing a little black wolf with silver eyes. I guess that's the mark of a Wolf-Shade. 'You smell good.' I commented and circled his shivering form, enjoying the scent. 'Are you cold?' I asked after a second. He was shivering an awful lot. He nodded and whined. I sighed. Poor guy. I nuzzled his side with my nose and he yipped, jumping a bit. 'Calm down.' I snapped at him and he stared at me. He was like half my size. I nuzzled his side again and he relaxed slightly. I leaned up against him.

'You're really warm.' He sighed and leaned into me. I layed down and looked at the other wolves, who were eyeing me incredulously. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I was calm for a few seconds before I felt and heard, more than saw, a wolf lunging at the little black wolf. I picked him up by the fur on his neck like a little puppy, and jerked him out of the way. I saw a light grey one jumping at me. I guess he was after me. I just assumed he didn't want to die a painful death. My bad.


Sorry it's short! I'm about to go out with some friends so I couldn't keep writing. Bye! Hope you like it!

Vote, comments, and fans are better than retarded grey Wolf-Shades. . .

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