The Pool

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I'm Back!! Okay so this isn't my best little draft thingy but it will do...  I want to thank all of you for commenting and voting on my story, and for all of the reads, I honestly wasn't expecting this many. 

On another point these songs have nothing to do with the chapter... I just really like them😊Annnnnd, I might be updating more often because I figured out how to do it on my phone!! Yay!! But then again marching band season is back... (sorry the chapter is so short)

"Jack!" You yell as he throws you over his shoulder, " What are you-" SPLASH!!

The next thing you know you are thrown into a pool of freezing cold water, you went over to the Why Don't We boys house to go swimming... and as soon as you got there Jack threw you in their pool.

"Welcome to our house!" Daniel yells as he picks up half of a watermelon rind that had been scraped out and put it on Zach's head. Zach decides to be the manly man he is and throws it off of his head and it hits Jonah, who is standing next to the pool, and he falls in.

Everyone, excluding Jonah, starts laughing hysterically at what was happening.


At around midnight everyone was heading to their rooms except you and Jack (you got there at like nine pm-ish) y'all agreed that y'all were going to stay in a bit longer.

Jack grabbed you by the waist, led you to a little waterfall thingy, then pulled you in.

 As soon as you recovered, you realize your in a little cave behind the waterfall.

"Jack" You whisper looking up through the small hole in the top of the cave, "It's so beautiful"

"Yeah' Jack whispers back, "it is"

You didn't realize that, in that moment, he was looking at you. 


Y'all talked until a small amount of light shown through the sky.

"Hey I have to go" You say "and I need to catch up on sleep." Right as you  said that Jack seemed to be questioning something...

"I'll see you then" he says, but before you can walk away he places a small kiss next to your mouth, then walks inside.

Jack Avery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now