Secret Castle

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 You were at your secret hiding place in the forest, sitting on a wall of what's left of an old castle. That's where you met him, he appeared out of nowhere. He didn't notice you right away so you watched him, wondering 'how did he find this place, nobody knows of this place'

While you were lost in your thoughts, he disappeared. You start to look for him but he is nowhere to be seen. Then suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder.

You turn so quick you nearly fall but the boy grabs your shoulders before you do.

"Thanks." You say quietly, you never really talked to anyone except for your best friend, an extrovert who basically adopted you as a friend.

"No problem" He smiles, "I'm Jack"

"I'm y/n" You say, smiling back, "How did you find this place? I didn't think anyone else knew where it was."

"Well, I was out exploring yesterday because me and my band moved here so we could write songs and just hang out together" He answers, " I thought I would look around so I know the area a bit better"

Y'all stayed for hours talking about... well, everything. You would take turns asking questions about each other, or play hide and seek, you had an instant connection with him.

Soon after, you had to go but little did you know you would be seeing more of him.


You would go there everyday and see if he was there, and you weren't disappointed.

Sometimes he took longer to get there, and sometimes you did too, but you never got mad at each other because y'all understood.

Each day y'all got to know each other better and better. You even developed a tiny crush that seemed to grow each time you saw him.


One day, which had started off like a normal one, Jack decided he had liked you as well, although he couldn't admit that to you so he played it off as if it was nothing. He was so sure you only liked him as a friend but there was a small part of him that couldn't help but hope you did.


As you walked up to your castle, you saw him holding a bouquet of white lilies, your favorite. You smiled at him and smelt the flowers.

"Y.n, I really like you and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" he says nervously.

"I would love to!" You say and smile sweetly.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short... and bad

I wanted to post something besides an author's note... this must be the most cheesy thing I have ever written and i'm sorry...

Thank you for bearing with me!! 

Until next time, ~MortalSadness

Jack Avery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now