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"I think I know princess."
She said pushing her glasses up.
Princess Allura looked at the smaller girl and nodded, "tell us." She said. Pidge nodded, "he needs an alpha to tame his heat cycle, ya'know?" She said. Shiro and Keith looks confused. Pidge sighed, "sex, he needs to have sex with an alpha oh my god" Pidge said laughing. Shiro looked at Keith, Keith looked back. "It can also be dangerous if he doesn't have an alpha I mean, he can be attacked by another alpha when his heat comes by" Pidge insisted. Allura looked down and sighed. "I do not volunteer to become his mate" Allura said. Shiro hummed, "I don't know if I want to, I'm in between" he said. Keith stood quiet then shrugged. As silence filled the room Coran came out of the room the omega was in, "how is he Coran?" Allura asked. Coran chuckled "he's still the same old blue! I just came by to alert you that our old foe has come for a visit to peace" he said. Allura looked at him, "old foe?" She said. "Prince Lotor!" He said smiling. Allura face palmed and sighed, "Coran stay by lances side when lotor is here, everyone else, be respectable, lotor is zarkons son, and he will attack so don't let your guard down when this 'meeting' is on." She said. The rest nodded and Coran rushed to lance.
Lance looked at Coran, "what's happening?" He asked. "Prince lotor is coming for a visit, so I'm gana put this on you" he said taking out a navy blue collar. "W-WHAT-" lance said backing up. Coran shook his head "no no no! It's not like that, this will help prevent any alphas to mark you, it will protect your neck" he said. Lance hummed, then nodded as he put it on and rose his hoodie to cover it. "Lets go then" Coran said, lance nodded and fallowed after him. As everyone was lined up lotor has arrived but unguarded, obviously since this was a peace meeting. Princess Allura bowed and so did everyone else. "I see you made some progress Allura" he said. "Yeah, anywho, this is the paladins of voltron" Allura said. "The green one is Pidge, the yellow one is hunk, the red one is Keith, the black one is Shiro, andd...lance is the blue one but he's not here right now he's with Coran.." she said firmly. Lotor inhaled all these new scents, then sighed, "no omega? I'm devastated" he said as Allura elbowed lotor. Lotor chuckled and looked at them, "so blue isn't he-" he was cut off when lance came back and stood by hunk. "Sorry I'm late!" He said smiling and rubbing the back of his head. Allura smiled and nodded, "that's okay lance. And he's the blue paladin" she said facing Lotor. Lotor stared at lance, he inhaled, then exhaled quietly. 'Is he the omega I long awaited for...' Lotor thought as he felt some hardcore glares coming from the other half of the room. He looked over to see Shiro and Keith glaring daggers at Lotor. That only made Lotor want an omega like lance even more. Lance just smiled not really paying attention. "Now everyone, lets go have dinner" Allura said dragging Lotor over to the dinning area, pidge and hunk fallowed. When lance was about to fallow by hunk he was grabbed by Keith, "hey, don't let Lotor snatch you." Keith growled at him. Shiro glared also looking at lance. Lance stayed quiet and tilted his head revealing a collar, "it's to protect my neck from attackers...it's fine" lance said smiling as he walked off. Keith crossed his arms, Shiro just walked behind lance. Keith wasn't gana loose lance to Shiro, NOR LOTOR. He was gana claim lance as his if it was the last thing he had to do.

While everyone was sitting down and enjoying the weird space goo, lance felt a kick under his table. The only one across from lance was,,, lotor. He looked down and noticed how lotor had his foot right by lances. Lance blushed lightly and looked away pretending he didn't notice it. Lotor on the other hand couldn't help but grin. He kept moving his feet against lance, as everyone else was distracted like pidge and hunk on the computer talking about things, Shiro and Keith enjoying the meal and talking about old times, then Allura with Coran, Lotor looked at lance. "Why aren't you joining the conversation?" Lotor asked. Lance looked at Lotor and shrugged, "don't wana" he said. "Then lets start one. Hello I'm Lotor, you are?" "Lance, Lance McClain" he said shaking Lotor's hand. "I don't mean to frighten you, I'm not like the other alphas at this table, I won't attack you" he said. Lance looked at Lotor and shrugged "doesn't matter, I'm an omega and I'm protected that's all" he said quietly. Lotor had a huge grin on his face, "Omegas are quite the rare species, it's my first time seeing one" he said. Lance nodded "my mom is an alpha and my dads an omega, so I'm the only omega child they have, the rest are alphas so I know how to cope with alphas" he said nodding. "You know, if you where with me, I'll treasure you.." Lotor said. Lance stood quiet after that. Why weren't the others paying attention to him?! He really needed the help. "Lance," Lotor spoke as lance looked up.
"Be mine"

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