Chapter 8-lunch

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Lix's POV (point-of-view)
Today promises to be a good day. I had one of the best breakfasts today. Mums' breakfast is always one of a kind. I was even able to catch dad for his early mornings jogging which I joined.
In school, I was able to get Emily to forgive me and also agree to lunch with me. Talking about lunch though, what is the time? I check the time on my wristwatch and realize it's almost time for lunch.Shoot. Cross checking with Cole to find out if they're done with their lectures, I search through my contacts on my phone and look for one saved under spitfire(Emily).
On seeing the contact, I send a message.

Me:Emily this is Felix. Was wondering if you're ready for lunch.

Em: Yeah sure.

Me: Alright then. Meet me at the car park. We'll use my car.

Em: Ummm where to? I thought we'll just use the cafeteria.

Me: To the eatery not far from here. Their food is quite good. And concerning your thought, it's our first time together under mutual agreement so let's do it the right way.

Em: 😑😑😑whatever makes you sleep at night yh.

Me: I take that as understanding. See you in five minutes.

Em: Alright!!
I get to the car park and met her waiting. I must say I'm impressed. Thought she was going to keep me waiting. Well, let's see how this goes. I walk towards her and direct her to my car. At the sight of my car, I open the car doors with the remote to let her know which one is mine. She moves towards the passenger side to open the door but I beat her to it since I opened the car door for her. She looked at me and shrugged muttering thanks undertone. I smile since I heard her anyways. With that, I move to my own side of the car. I check to see if she has fastened her seatbelt. Just as I expected, she had so I just fastened mine and drove out of the car park. I look at my wristwatch and see I have two hours before my next and last lecture for the day. I asked her for the time of her next class so I bring her back in time for her class. I don't want to be the reason for her being late and angering her. Besides, she just started to talk to me so I better be on the safe side and not mess things up. Getting her reply, I note we both have class at the same time. Good thing then. With that, I decide to turn on the radio only to realize we were both aiming for the same thing. I draw my hand back and let her do it. She kept going through channels until she got something she liked. I support her choice. I would have chosen the same thing. From the corner of my eye, I see her staring at me and biting on her mouth. I guess she wants to say something so I tell her to go ahead. "Have you been to where we are going to before? " she asks. I smile inwardly at her shyness. "Yes Em. I've been there quite a couple of times. Why?" I replied. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to know" she says. I give her a nod and pull into the driveway of the eatery.
The eatery has a warm feeling to it so I'm sure she is going to like it. As we enter, I ask for my reservation and we're directed towards the private session. She needn't know I did that intentionally. I pull a chair out for her and move to mine which is across hers. I stare at her for a couple of minutes before I heard her clearing her throat and saying "would you stop staring at me? I don't feel comfortable when people do that."(Says someone who was secretly staring at me on our way here.) What? It's not my fault God created her the way she did. She's gorgeous. Anyways, I have to be a gentleman and respect her wish. I divert my concentration and call out to the waiter. He asks for our order. I allow Em to go first.I do mine after hers."I really like the feel of this place. I should bring my brothers hers sometime." I hear her say.After we're served our foods, we say the grace(her influence not mine.) and dive right into the food. The sound she made after taking her first mouthful means she really agrees with me about the food being good. I look at her in amusement.
After eating, we talk about ourselves in order to know each other well. I got to know more about her likes and dislikes. Learnt about her family likewise her me. I also took into notice how her eyes brighten up whenever she mentions her brothers. Our conversation just kept flowing. There was never a dull moment and nothing was forced. We order icecream and cupcakes for desert which we asked to be packed for a takeout. The waiter brings the payslip. I look at it and bring my wallet out to pay. I see Em doing the same. I look at her and say "Emily, it was my idea so let me pay. You pay when you are alone but with me, let me be doing that okay? ". From the way she was looking at me, I could tell she wasn't happy with what I said so I quickly rushed and said "Okay. I can see you are not happy with me paying all the time so how about you pay the next time we go out?" She looks at me with a smile and agrees to my preposition. Humph ...That was intense. I pay the bill and rise from my seat. I offer her my hand to hold on to as she rises. She thanks me for the help. I pick our dessert and walk out with her. We get to the car and she opens the door before I get there. I gave her a look to show my displeasure only for her to taunt me with sticking her tongue out. She looks nice doing that. "It's not my fault I'm faster than you so stop scowling sissy." She says. No. Wait. Did she just call me a sissy? I bet that's what I heard. Anyways, let me give her the benefit of the doubt and ask her again. I asked and she nodded her head to show she really did say that. I give her a tight lipped smile and make a mental note to get her back for this. Nevertheless, I really did enjoy being out and alone with her today. She has a fine personality and I can't help but hope we will be able to do this once again and more frequently. I just hope I'm not getting ahead of myself.

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