Ruby & Emily - Part 4

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Ruby's standing behind the counter at the local video store. She's wearing the required uniform: red double-sided apron with her name tag, black Velcro shoes, and a head device that only the important people have in order to communicate with the other important people in emergencies. There's only a few people in the store when I guy walks in that catches her eye.

He's tall, but shorter than Petey and has dark hair with even darker, eyes. He looks over at her, too, which makes her instinctively look away.

As he meanders some what aimlessly around the video store, they lock eyes every couple of minutes. Eventually, he approaches the desk section that she's stationed at.

"Can I help you?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah. I just moved here. I need to set up an account." The strangers replies.

"Oh, ok. Here just fill out these forms and bring them back. It needs to be in blue or black ink." She said as she hands over forms briefly touching his hand in the process.

"Thanks." He says, smiling brightly.

"Oh and I have to walk you around the store and show you the different sections."

Shia looks at her strangely.

"It's strictly protocol. Trust me, I wouldn't put either of us through it if it wasn't required."

"They've got you a tight leash here?" He observes, an eye brow arched.

"Not really." She shrugs.

Ruby glances over to the corner of the store and locates her boss. He's obviously trying to flirt with a girl way out of his league.

'I kinda got the boss wrapped around my little finger. I come and go as I please for the most part and pretend not to notice when he strikes up conversation with bonafide hotties,' She thinks.

"That's considerate you." Shia says, nodding towards her boss' situation with the unsuspecting female.

Both of them are looking at the boss and the "hottie", who are leaned close to each other, when they hear them talking. The boss looks alarmingly similar to the character Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies.

"Oh yes, I can certainly get you a discount on that." The Hagrid look-a-like says.

"Really?! Oh my gawsh that's so nice of you! I just love Free Willy!" The free-loading girl exclaims.

They both return their attention to the forms she gave Shia.

"God, he's probably just creaming his pants right now." She says to herself, disgusted.

Shia seems focused on the forms and doesn't respond right away.

"You need to know my mother's maiden name just so I can rent a movie?"



"I'm not completely sure but I think it has something to do with terrorism."

"Well, if it's for the good of the country..." He says as he starts filling in the bubble letters.

"That's the spirit."

He's still filling out the forms while he side chats with Ruby.

"So do you have any suggestions?"

"I have a lot of suggestions. For what exactly?"

He glances around the store slowly in attempt to convey his message to her.

"We are in a movie store, so-"

Ruby & EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now