Act IV

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Act IV

Scene 1 The Winter Ball

In this scene entire cast except. All non-main characters are doubled as patrons of the dance.

All character are dressed in formal attire. Chuck enters escorted by Tom (who still has a black eye)

Chuck: Thank you Tom I am so glad I came with you.

Max: Ah, it’s nice to see the happy couple back together again.

Tom: (Laughing) Shut up (he playfully punches him)

Vanessa: I am also glad to see the two of you back together. (Enter Lia in a stunning Dress)

Chuck: Lia you look beautiful.

Lia: Well I have too, I didn’t want to be the only one in the house, to come home alone. (She winks a Max).

Max: He Lia, do you wanna go get something to drink?

Lia: Oh my Maximillion I would love too. (The leave the other side of the stage)

Vaness: Oh my I did not see that coming. But, I did see this coming (she gestures to the two boys) I am so happy to see that you two worked things out, but I have to ask, what happened to Blake?

Tom: Well he and I had it out yesterday in the parking lot, and well I won.

Chuck: I didn’t want to watch, so I left and went to the garden. Ten minuets after I got there he comes, stumbling in to garden all bloody, bruised and beaten up.

Tom: Oh come on it was so not that bad.

Chuck: Babe, your face was covered in blood from your nose.

Tom: Yeah well, it just proves to what lengths I would go for you. (They embrace)

Chuck: You know you’re lucky I find a guy with Battle scares sexy.

Tom: Oh do you? Well you’re gonna like me after (he winks). If you’ll excuse me I have to go to the lav a moment.

Vanessa: (in disgust) Oh please don’t share. (Tom exits)

Chuck: God how I have missed him. Thinking back on it, I missed him all along. I made a mistake with Blake (Enter Blake)

Blake: Damn straight you did.

Chuck: What do you want?

Blake: To dance with my date to the Winter Ball. (he grabs Chuck’s arm)

Chuck: (Yanking his arm back) I am not your date, that was before Tom and I spoke.

Blake: Screw Tom, you told me you would be my date two weeks a ago, and I will not sit here alone when I am not supposed to. (Enter Tom unnoticed) So let’s go we are gonna dance.

Tom: (Advancing towards Blake,he taps him on the shoulder.) Hey Blake.

Blake:(Turning) Oh hey Tommy Bo…(He is cut short as Tom punches him square in the face. He falls to the ground and just looks at Tom)

Tom: Now get your ass away from MY boyfriend before I go any further. (Blake gets up and runs off stage)

Chuck: He just never gives up.

Tom: Well now he shouldn’t be a problem anymore.  I am not letting you out of my sights; I don’t wanna lose you again. (Max and Lia come over after seeing the scene between Tom and Blake)

Lia:( Pointing out a window) Hey guys look it’s snowing. It’s perfect to have on a night like tonight, an early winter storm. (A slow song then comes on the dance list) Max would you care to dance.

Max: I would love to Miss. Cecilia (They pare off) (Vanessa at this point goes off and dances with someone. Most of the cast at this point is dancing)

Tom: Charles Tallis would you do me the honor of giving me this dance.

Chuck: Thomas Parron, nothing would make me happier. (The embrace and kiss and then continue to dance) (The lights some down slowly except for one spot center stage, the music fades. As the lights go off the characers freeze and the Narrator appears out of the darkness and walks to the spot light. )

Narrator: So there we have it, a show of love and lies. Now think back to reality, it’s late, my, how time flies! Tom and Chuck are together once more, just in time for me to close this door. The time for us is running low,  but I want you to remember something about this show. Amore Vincit Omnia, loves conquers all. Love is not weak my friends don’t let it fall. Tom and Chuck fixed a broken line which proves, there is hope for yours and mine. Our time my friends is up so as we part please keep warm and light of heart. But my friends as you keep warm remeber if you’re in trouble just think about the story of, An Early Winters storm. (He bows as the spot goes off)

The End

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