Act II

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Scene 1 Class Room

In this scene Narrator, Tom, Matt, Mr.D and students

Scene is set Narrator comes out to speak ( All latin is with pure vowles)

Narrator : Act I is over as you can all see, now it is time to hear more out of me.  One week hence from out characters last spoke, still in a tizzy with a heart that is broke. Dear Chuck and loving Tom, still not happy at all, but Blake is ecstatic to take Chuck to the Winter Ball. (exit)

Mr.D : (Class is clapping for a presentation that was just done, two students walk back to there seats.)Job well done. Ok who is going to present next?( pause) Mr.Parron, Mr.Alear, how about you.

Matt: Yes Sir.

Tom: (sigh) Yes sir. (two boys goes to head of class room) The Poem we decided to do was Charles Victoria’s “Ovos Omnes” The full poem in Latin reads as followed, “O vos omnes, qui transitis per via. Attendite, et videte si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus. Attendite, universi populi, et videte dolrem meum. Si est dolor, similis sicut dolor meus”

Matt: The first line is “O vos omnes, qui transitis per viam” Which means “O ye people, ye that pass by unheeding”

Tom: The second line is “Attendite, et videte si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus” This line means, “Be hold and see, is there any sorrow like to it, like unto my sorrow.”

Matt: The first half of the this poem is about how the speaker is so depressed over some thing.

Tom: The next line “Attendite, universi populi, et videte dolrem meum” means “ Be hold all people, is there any sorrow like this sorrow.

Matt: The final line of the text reads “Si est dolor, similis sicut dolor meus.” Which means , “is there any sorrow like to it, like unto my sorrow”.

Tom: The text as a whole, speaks about a great sorrow, whether it be from death, war, sickness or (pause and relize what he is about to say) unrequited love…”

Matt: (noticing Toms hesitation) Victoria took this text and later put to a beautiful song, that some of you may heard at the concert last week. There you have it, our presentation on Ovos Omnes.

Mr.D: Very good gentleman, best I have seen all day and my I say, fine choice on your work, and Thomas very good latin diction. (Bell Rings) Befor you go, remember the rest of you have to present tomorrow. (All Exit)

Scene 2 The Tallis house

In this scene Chuck, Drew, Lia

Chuck is sitting playing “Chucks Theme”

Chuck: (Stage is dark, with (if needed) a spotlight on Chuck playing piano, (if possible music to be played in the dark. Lights come up as the sonata is finished) I can’t belive I still remember that song.

Lia: (Enters ) Chuck are you in here?

Chuck: Yeah I’m here.

Lia: You ok, you don’t sound very good.

Chuck: I fell like crap.

Lia: Why what’s wrong?

Chuck: It’s over Tom and Blake. I love Tom but, Blake is so nice, he made me feel good when Tom was a jerk.

Lia: I see, well how long have you and Tom been together?

Chuck: Sense sophomore year.

Lia: Well what makes him so bad now, that wasn’t bad before?

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