dream 3

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I had a dream where there was just nerdy girl very smart . big sweaters jeans and combat boots and she didn't wear glasses but she was very smart and there was this guy that his parents didn't care for him and he was very smart too but I guess he was jealous of her I don't know. And after class after school I guess he threw her on the ground of the back of the school it was on some cement or Street I'm not too sure but it wasn't in the way of cars. Then something weird happened. Suddenly when she was defending herself putting her hand over her face her hand started to glow on her Palm side of the hand her finger in her Palm everything. Then he was going to punch her his hand his entire fist started to Glow gold too. Then suddenly they were in this black room you didn't really know where the light was coming from but you knew was coming from somewhere but you couldn't see the bulb or anything and the two of them the nerdy girl with brown hair and blue eyes was wearing a red dress and heels and the guy had his black hair and brown eyes and wearing a suit. classic suit. Her hair was all curled up and his messy hair was slicked back. Then the room started talking. I know it sounds weird but I think it might have been God or a bigger person in the scheme of things. She had asked where the hell they were cuz she was a Spitfire even if she was quiet towards him and couldn't fight that well. And the room answered about the guy? I'm not too sure but the guy was kind of Frozen in place in the room while the room was just telling her about his life at home and how no one cared for him and everyone said that he wouldn't do good in this world and that he was worthless and that he wasn't smart. How he was beaten at home and all this crazy stuff. And I kind of just see this girl like staring at him with sympathy but even though the guys Frozen he can hear everything that she was saying and he can see everything she's doing. The room or maybe God I don't know who's talking to her says or asked her to be friends with him because he thinks, whoever is talking to her, that he thinks she'll be good for him because she's a good girl but she went through the same thing similar she didn't get beaten but she was emotionally bruised for life. The guy hears this too and his eyes kind of soften. Then she says okay I'll try. Then she's Frozen and the guys unfrozen and he literally stares at her in awe. He's just so amazed that she would be friends with him after he almost beat her up. He also takes a good look at her and he thinks that she's beautiful but he says it in his thoughts he doesn't say it out loud. But the room or God or whoever tells him that he should tell her that for her to hear someday she has no idea what he thought but the room or God does. Then the guy kind of just says I will. Then they kind of get out or disappear out of the black room and they're back in the normal clothing her in her big beige sweater jeans and Converse and him and his  plain black T-shirt jeans and sneakers. They just kind of stared each other wondering what the heck happened but at the same time kind of realizing what they have to do. She stands up and he goes towards her. She backs away little bit afraid. But then he put his hand up for her to shake and he says please I'm sorry let us start over. He says that his name is Jack what's your name? And she says that her name is Sienna and that it was nice to meet him. She asked if we can be friends? And he says he'd like that.

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