dream 2

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I had this dream where there was this girl and she was very alone everyone was mean to her her parents were her adopted parents her foster parents and she was just miserable but she always had hope. And this girl of Hope whatever her name maybe no idea she gets taken to some spaceship and apparently there's a whole planet where each person has a different kind of emotion like each person has a different emotion but it goes under some category. But usually the people under that category usually have similar word similar feelings that kind of thing. Because her word was hope she doesn't fall under any of the categories because they have happy sad you know really Plain Jane emotions hers is the one that can change the most you can have hope for getting an audition you can have hope that someone will pass away you can have hope that someone will fail the test cuz you're jealous of them. Because hope is the most diverse feeling in my dream anyways. And eventually she starts fitting in with some of the people in that happy area and some people in the gloomy area but then she meets a guy that's in the sadness area he is actually depression. These aliens these people that have a motion they can spread their motion to other people even to other emotions. And he started to like how he's always feeling hope around her because of her being hope and she soon realized emotions can change because he was depression and now he's sadness he was changing his range in his area. I mean she bumped into a bunch of guys one was supposed to be flirtatious when was super happy go lucky and then she means this depression guy and they start to like each other because she even though he's depression she realizes how much her motion means. And for him it's that he's starting to feel happier he starting to feel like a better guy. And then later on you find out why they are all these emotions and why they were on Earth and stuff and for depression it was something really bad for him for Hope even though everything bad happened for her she was just always an upbeat girl she had a somewhat happy childhood before her teenagers came and she was adopted. For jealousy it was that her and her best friend like the same guy and it had been going on this war had been going on for years until she was finally taken away. But that jealousy never left. Excetera excetera. But anyways this is just a dream I had and I thought it was really cool should I make a book I'm thinking of maybe like a book sort of like Fahrenheit 451 where you learn a lesson out of this I don't know I honestly don't know but it sounds like it'd be sort of like that. And mind you this is all my dreams I swear if I were to make books out of all my dreams I think I'd be famous. Anyways should I make a book out of this?

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