-twenty seven-

150 2 7

"A" - Not Who They Seem

(A/N: okay so I lied, it's gonna be more like a three part thing. Whoops.

Another edit. I know, it's out of control lol.)

Michonne had her katana out and at the ready, Daryl was pointing his crossbow at some of the people in the courtyard, Chloe and Carl both had their guns out. Rick still had Alex in a chokehold as he questioned him.

"Where the hell did you get this watch?" He asked again.

"You want answers? You want anything else, you get 'em when you put down the gun!" Alex exclaimed, clearly fearing for his life.

He should be, having Glenn's watch and not telling them who or where he got it from. If Glenn was here, but he didn't have his watch, that meant there was something seriously wrong. He would never willingly hand over the watch that Hershel gifted him.

"Your man on the roof, he's got a sniper rifle," Rick said. "How good's his aim? Where'd you get the watch?" When he didn't get an answer again, he yelled, "Where'd you get the watch?!"

"Don't do anything!" Alex yelled up to the sniper on the roof. "I have this! You just put it down! Put it down!" The sniper complied, lowering his weapon.

Chloe's breathing had quickened as she looked around at everyone. She noticed a few other things that she was sure didn't belong to them. She noticed one person wearing Daryl's poncho, which he'd been forced to leave at the prison when it was overrun, and one of their backpacks.

Who the hell were these people?

"L-listen to me... there's a lot of us," Alex stammered.

"Where'd. You get. The watch?" Rick asked again.

"Took if from a dead one," Alex answered. "Didn't think he'd need it!"

Rick turned Alex to face a man across the courtyard. "What about the riding armor?" He asked. Chloe recognized it to be Glenn's. Was Glenn somewhere here? He had to be, right? "And the poncho?"

"Got the riding gear off a dead cop." Rick spun around with Alex still in his grasp, and there stood Gareth. "Found the poncho on a clothesline."

"That's bullshit." Chloe muttered.

"Gareth we can wait—" Alex tried.

"Shut up." He cut him off.

"You talk to me," Rick growled.

"I was about to say," Gareth replied. "You don't trust us anymore."


"Shut up." He cut Alex off again.

"Gareth, please—"

Gareth held a hand up. "It's okay," he told him. "Rick what do you want?"

"Where are our people?" He demanded.

"You didn't answer the question."

Rick spun around right as someone behind him pulled the trigger. With Alex in his grasp, he used the man as a human shield and they shot him down instead of Rick. That's when Chloe knew they were going to have to run.

They ran through compound, shots being fired every second. Chloe felt someone enclose their hand in hers, and she quickly realized it was Carl. She gripped his hand, as if her life depended on it.

Suddenly, they ran into a room filled with candles and writing on the wall.


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