[12] THE Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka

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                'Dress up! Dress up! Dress up!'

                'Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.' I growled in my monotone voice as the twins annoyed me.

                After following Kyouya back to the gazebo, I had eventually revealed my presence and then...

                This had happened.

                'C'mon, you'll look super cute!' Kaoru grabbed my cheeks in his hands.

                I punched him in the shoulder, causing him to retract his grotty hands from my face and curl up in a ball.

                'Kaoru!' Hikaru gasped, collapsing at his side. 'Kaoru! Let me share your pain...!' He grasped Kaoru's hands in his own, and I made a gagging noise.

                Which went unnoticed.

                'N-no, Hikaru. The pain is too much, You must go on without me!'

                I rolled my eyes, and took a step towards them both. 'Guys. You are aware that we aren't at school, right?' I flicked my eyes between them, snapping my fingers. 'Earth to whatever planet you're vacationing on—incest is illegal.'

                They both glared at me.

                I sighed, and turned around, intending to go and talk to Haruhi.

                That was one of the worst mistakes of my life.

                Each of them grabbed my arms, and being slightly taller than me, they lifted me off the ground chanting 'Dress up!' again.

                I groaned, my body tense in their grip.

                Flipping my legs up and over my own head like a gymnast, I spun Hikaru in a complete circle while Kaoru went flying above him with me. Landing in a crouch, I quickly straightened while I caught Kaoru, setting him on the ground an arm's length away from me.

                All this took about two seconds, but it was enough to replace the mischief in their eyes with fear.

                'Don't touch me.' I shrugged, walking back into the pallor.

                'Usa-chan thought that was really cool!' Honey sat on one of the fluffy chairs, swinging his legs with a piece of cake in one hand and his bunny in the other.

                'Thank-you Usa-chan.' I acknowledged his pink bunny with a nod, flopping onto the couch opposite him.

                'Ale-chan?' Honey closed his eyes as he smiled at me, tilting his head.

                'Yeah-ya?' I rolled over so I wasn't staring at the roof, to look at him. In the back of my mind I realised I needed to get out of here some time so my superiors (I wasn't quite sure whether I answered to Jacob/Jeremiah still) wouldn't rage.

                'You used to live in Australia, right?' He bounced his bunny on his knee, looking at me with those big, brown eyes.

                I pondered his question a little while, and realised I was starting to care about telling the truth.

                Yikes. This new truth-orientated me was going to fuck my plans up.

                'Nah little bro, I just holidayed there for three years.' I tried to give him as much information as I could without revealing evidence he shouldn't know about.

Objective: Ouran Academy ♔ OHSHCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن