3. I Don't Need Your Pitty

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"Thanks Harry, I really owe you one." Harry nodded as Niall patted the roof of his car, turning on his heel to face his parent's house.

He took a deep breath, running over the speech he was going to give his parents in his head once more before maneuvering his way to the front door.

He knocked on the door slightly as he opened it, hollering out a loud "Pops! Mum! Quinn! I'm home!". He placed his belongings near the living room, following the small talk of chit-chat towards the kitchen.

As soon as he stepped through the doorway he was greeted by large smiles, his mother already walking towards him with her arms spread open.

"My baby!" She cooed as she kissed Niall's cheek, squeezing him tightly before letting go. His younger brother gave him a small wave from the other side of the kitchen while his father watched with loving eyes. "And what do we owe the honor for your unexpected visit?"

"It's not really a visit," Niall says, jumping straight to the point. "Me and Fin got into a fight and I was wondering if I could stay here for a while?" Niall crossed his toes, biting the inside of his cheek as his father glanced towards his mother.

"Only if you tell us why you two fought - you know the rules, son." Niall was hoping they would overlook the fucking rules they had set when Niall and his parents fought about living on his own and whatnot - he thought it'd been buried in the past.

He sat down across from his father, running a hand over his face nervously. "Well, i'll just cut to it - no use in beating around the bush, right? - i went to go see a doctor and turns out i'm pregnant and we thought we were being safe and i was on the pill but there are still that one per cent and i guess Finley freaked out because i told him i was thinking about keeping it, i mean he left me at a mate's house with no ride home and when i got home he shoved my bags into my hands and told me he had to think an-"

"You're pregnant?" Niall looks up for the first time since he started rambling, gulping hard when he notices his father's cold expression, slitted eyes and deep scowl. "You're fucking pregnant?"

He glances back to Quinn and can see he's nervous, his hand is gripping the counter tightly and his eyes are wide and pleading towards Niall. Niall doesn't know what he's supposed to do.

"And you're thinking of keeping it?" His father's voice is harsh, and too levelled-  Niall knows his father is going to snap any minute so he doesn't answer him, just looks everywhere but his father's eyes.

"And you expect us to let you stay here and leach off us?" His voice is raised now, which isnt a good sign. Niall glances to where Quinn was standing and notes that it's been replaced with his mother's figure, her back facing him.

"Get out! Get the fuck out now!" His dad stands, the chair he had been sitting on flying back onto the floor. Niall doesn't flinch, years of pent up anger begging to release. "Dad, would you just listen to me for once? I just need a place to slee-"

"Go to the fucking shelter -" He yanks Niall up, dragging and pushing him out of the kitchen and into the hall. "- because as long as that thing is in you, you are not welcomed here."

He yanks Niall's belongings off the floor, pulling the door open quickly before walking out. Niall follows his dad, trying to get him to calm down and listen to his reasoning.

His father throws his things out onto the lawn, some items from a trash bag flying out. Niall can hear his mother crying as his father runs back inside, not giving him a second glance.

"Mom, mom please look at me." She shakes her head, her hand covering her silent sobs. "How could you be so selfish?"

Niall took a tentative step towards her, reaching out to grab her as she steps back, shaking her head some more. Selfish whore." She says, almost in a whisper, before turning and walking back inside.

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