Day 7

13 2 0

July 07, 2017

Sometimes delving into darkness
Is the best way to overcome it.


Why fear something
You know nothing of?


We don't need more advice,
Just someone willing to listen to us.


There is deadly beauty
In those crimson drops of blood.


Trying to see through my eyes
Is like trying to look through fog.


I'd rather pretend that I'm alright
Than see you having to pretend that you are.


I'm afraid you'll get tired of me
If I keep holding onto you.


Absence only hollows the heart
And tears bonds and friendships apart.


Only those who live on the edge
Will glimpse the lands of gold below
And jump.


Stealing knowledge is the only form of theft
That we must encourage.


I'm tired mentally,
I'm tired physically,
I'm tired emotionally—


The last one isn't mine, it's by another Wattpader (ptxftvivi), but it's here because it so accurately describes my day.

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