Day 5

10 1 0

July 5, 2017

Why must others introduce us
When they do not know what we really are?


The quietest of people
Have the noisiest of minds.


I never thought the day would come
When I'd want you to fear me,
But as you lay in my harsh hold
I knew that I must set you free.


I may not show it much
But I shiver when you wince at my touch.


All I ask is that you love me
The way I loved you.


To him, not speaking was better
Than uttering accidental harming words.


He feared he'd someday find his sword
Covered in his brothers' blood.


What would you say if you could see
All the demons living in me?


My touch turns radiance
Into dark grey ash.


He wondered if they'd leave him
Once they got the chance.

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