The Wedding

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Six Months Later

The small amount of people standing inside the small room was perfect for the couple that stood at the alter. It wasn't a large wedding, but that didn't matter to them. They had their family there. That was what mattered. 

Sally and Paul Blofis.

Annabeth Chase and Thalia Grace. 

Poseidon and Hermes.

May Castellan.

That was the only guest that hadn't been expected at the wedding, but Luke had been more than happy that she was there. She seemed sane, and the look on Luke's face made her being there so much more worth it.

There was a lot of kissing.

There was a lot of hugging.

There were a lot of tears. 

If you asked anyone that had attended that wedding, they would tell you that they really were meant for one another. That was what the tattoos were for, right? They were there to point out exactly who you were supposed to love. 

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