Chapter 3

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I did the only thing that could get my anger out.

I closed my eyes.

Took a deep breath.

And then,

I screamed on top of my lungs.


I screamed until my breath ran out and my throat went through a burning sensation.

Once I was done, I took few deep breaths and slowly opened my eyes.

Much better

Louis was shaking his head in disapproval. Zayne looked like I had three heads. Niall looked scared as hell and Harry was on the floor, with his noodles on top of his head.

Chapter 3

After my little tantrum yesterday all the boys soon left the house, including my brother. Apparently they were all going to Liam’s house and obviously I wasn’t invited. Why would I be? According to him I am just some stupid girl who is charmed by his good looks and amazing voice.

I do admit I am charmed by his good looks, but his cocky attitude completely overcomes that.

That night, my parents also came home. I received a very formal greeting from my mother and a huge hug from daddy. In addition to that I also received a booklet about my new school, which I was attending the following day.

Yeah, I know aren’t they great parents sending me off to school the very day I arrived from my previous one.

Today was the day that I was going to attend my first day in Jackson Heights High school.

My uniform was neatly ironed and placed on the bed. I took a look at it and immediately wanted to throw up. The moment I saw it I realized my mother was the one who ordered the uniform.

The navy blue skirt was several inches above my knees. The decent white shirt was three sizes smaller than my original size.

Without giving it a second thought I continued with my morning chores.

Once I was all done I rolled my eyes at the pathetic excuse of a uniform in front of me and decided to continue with my morning chores.

Too tired to start an argument I decided to wear it just for the day. Who knows? Maybe all the girls dressed like that in this school. It is a private school after all. A school filled with stupid fake rich snobs. Once they find out I am related to Louis they’ll get their fake asses my way and start to suck up to me. I can’t believe I will have to put up with all that shit all over again.

As I was wearing my socks I heard a voice in the intercom.

“Hey sis, be downstairs in five.”

I quickly wore my socks. I stood up and gave myself one final glance in the mirror. I looked decent enough. Not a cake face and not completely plain either.

I skipped down the stairs and was welcomed by the delicious smell of Martha’s cooking. This was one of the few things I missed in boarding school.

My brother was already munching on his bacon, while my parents were as usual not at home.

“Good morning Leila.”

“Hey sis.”

They both said as soon as they saw me.

“Morning guys.” I replied with a bright smile.

“I have your favorite cheese omelette with ketchup.” Said Martha

“Hey! Why does she get cheese omelette and I get only bacon?” Asked Louis with a frown.

Martha chuckled at his childlessness and said.

“I offered Louis, you were the one who asked for Bacon, remember?”


Suddenly Louis pulled out his phone and said.

“Our ride is here, let’s go Leila.”

Without even waiting for me he headed towards the living room.

I guess the horrible day has begun.

I followed my brother to the door as he stood there holding the door open for me. I gave him a smile and walked out to our driveway.

There stood a humongous limo.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

“What the hell? We don’t need to take a freakin limo to school! We could just take the normal car.” I said.

“Shut up for now. Just complain when you’re in there. We are late already.” Said Louis dragging me to the limo.

Louis literally threw me inside and then followed.

“Ouch! Watch it you dumb shit!” I complained.

All of a sudden I heard laughing. Not just one person laughing, but several at the same time.

Three to be exact.

Once again, there they were.

Zayn, Niall, Harry and of course, Liam. They were all laughing at me complaining, while Liam still had a serious face, although I could see a hint of smile in them.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked

“Isn’t it obvious? We are all going to school together?” Said Nial.

“What the hell! The last thing I need is to be known as the girl friends with one direction! It would ruin my life!” I screamed.

“You are so weird. People will actually give you more attention. Dont girls love that stuff.” Said harry leaning back at his seat, dragging his eyes over my body.

“You look banging hot in that uniform by the way.” He finally said.

Niall was the only one who laughed at Harry’s perverted comment. My brother and Zayn shot him glares. However I was surprised when I saw Liam shooting Harry a nasty glare. But that only lasted for a few seconds. Soon his eyes were staring out the window.

Ten minutes later the limo came to a stop. I wondered why on Earth we had to take a limo, if the school was so close by.

Then I remembered, of course, one direction cannot travel in just any car. They need a freaking limo to take them everywhere.

Let the hell begin.

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