Chapter 5 (The transformation and the truth)

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I was walking and my eyes are everywhere, I still can't walk right and I fear that I might slip and fall on my butt or something. I just hope Anthony will be there to catch me. I was walking up to registration with the 'Circle of Vanessa' suddenly someone entered the door, to my surprise I saw Anthony.

'Hey!' I said with a smile

'Hello....?' He said confused

'So do you like it?' I asked, he just stare at me and looked at me up and down. Don't he dare criticize me, I'm still mad at him for not calling or texting me yesterday while she hang out with 'Natasha' by the way who is Natasha? Oh I'll just ask him later 'Uhm, Anthony?'

'I think you look pretty, but you look naturaly beautiful without that makeup' Anthony said while wiping my lipstick off 'and without that short skirt' he said, trying to pull my skirt down to it's proper length

'Do you think so?' I said looking straight to his eyes. Savanna, what's happening? Don't do that, you seemed like you're madly in love with him, hold that thought I think you are. Have you gone mad? Yes, I do think I'm completely bonkers.

'Wait, so are you two like a couple?' Grace said entering the corridor 'Holy guacamole, what the hell happened to you?'

I looked at Grace and started laughing, 'What don't you like my new look?'

'Just a weekend with them' She said sighing 'Told you this will happen' Grace pointed at Anthony and gave the circle a dirty look

'What's her problem?' I said, did I just say that??? No Savanna, Grace is your friend! 'I meant, why is she mad? And what does 'I told you so' mean?'

'Uhm, before you came new I asked Grace about the new girl, she said that the 'Circle of Vanessa' will take the girl and transform her. Which is what they did to you' He answered

'Me? I didn't change, I'm still me' I said, suddenly the bell rang

'That's what you think' Anthony said then left

I did not change, I'm still the same Savanna with high heels and pretty accessories. Suddenly my phone vibrates "I like the hair, not the clothes, accessories and make up" I look down at my nails. But I thought that this is pretty and guys like it. Any way, after registration I went to the bathroom to remove my make up, loosen my bags strap, tuck my shirt in and pulled my skirt down, I borrowed an extra cardigan from the school office, I just made an excuse that I accidentally spilled water on it. I left my hair down though because my hair is my favourite. I've got English and Drama next. Then arts, hopefully I can talk to Anthony then.

I'm just walking around hoping that I find Anthony and Grace and make sure that I hide from the 'Circle of Vanessa'. But If I want to hide from them I shouldn't have checked the gym, now I find myself with them.

'Why did you remove your make-up?' Vanessa asked

'Where's is your accessories?' Veronica asked

'Don't tuck your shirt in' Allison said

'Pull your skirt up!' Janice scolded

'Fix your hair' Samantha said

What is happening? What should I tell them? I don't want to offend them, but how?

'Anthony doesn't like it' Oh my gosh, I just made matters worse

'Anthony?' Vanessa asks

I look at her and it hit me like a truck. I didn't tell her about Anthony. Well there's no point in lying.

'Yes, didn't I tell you?' I asked pretending to don't know

'No, spill the beans!' Nica said

'Uhm, we're sorta dating.' I said

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