Chapter 12

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"If you want to talk, I am here for you. You know that right?" Pete looked at me and gave me a half smile.
"Yes I do, I really do appreciate everything you've done for me today."

"You're welcome, I just want you to be happy." Pete Wentz smiled at me.

"It's just hard after 2 fucking years of being together. The worst part is that she didn't just recently get pregnant. That means he's been seeing her for months, I don't even know if he's been seeing her since we started dating. It's just a lot to handle. I shouldn't even be upset, he was such an asshole in the first place I just didn't want to end it with him until now obviously." I stopped crying and I looked at him.

"Don't stress over it, it's him who fucked up. You are an amazing person and you should be happy that you saw that when you did. Who knows if he would have ever told you, and if you ask me I'm happy you're not with him anymore because you deserve so much better than that."

"Thank you." I gave him a hug and genuinely smiled. I was done crying. I was done with being sad over Erik, there's plenty of nice guys out there.

After a few beers for each of us we were both feeling a little tipsy.
"I don't even know why anyone would ever cheat on you Paige, you are so gorgeous and nice." Pete put his hand on my leg and I smiled not knowing what to say.

He was just sitting there with his hand on my leg and I just stared at him smiling. His hand was so warm.

I am sitting with Pete Wentz in his house getting drunk. This is a great story for the books. I was just smiling not paying attention when I felt a pair of lips on mine.

I pulled back quickly to see Pete eyes open and he was covering his mouth. "Oh my god, I am so sorry. I don't know why I did that." Pete looked at me scared and got up quickly and ran up stairs. I just stared at were he was sitting rubbing my fingers over my lips, like in those cliche romantic movies.

I slowly walked up the stairs to see Pete sitting in a recliner in the family room. I just stood next to him and smiled.
"It's fine Pete." He looked up at me and shook his head, "No it is not, having a few beers is not an excuse to do that." He looked down into his lap and just shook his head.

I made a quick decision and decided to just go for it.

I grabbed his hands rested them on my hips and sat in his lap, one leg on each side of his hips and looked him in the eyes. I leaned forward to him and placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"I've always wanted to kiss you," I ran my fingers down his torso and felt him shiver under my touch. "and I've always wanted to feel your abs under my hand." I leaned forward again and placed a kiss on his neck and I could feel his body tense.

I leaned back and just saw him staring at me. I held the sides of his face, "I've always been in love with you, and I wouldn't change anything because I get to be here with you."

Pete grabbed me and slid my body against his chest. "You are so beautiful." He kissed me passionately and I fought back with my lips. The warmth of his lips on mine made me want him even more. I balled his shirt in my fists and pulled him as close as possible.

I could feel his lips open up slightly so that his tongue could enter. Pete wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted himself up off of the chair and walked to his room.

He opened up the door and stood by his bed and looked into my eyes. Once I nodded to him he kissed me one last time and threw me on the bed.

So Pete and Paige?(;


It's Hard To Say "I Do", When I Don'tTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang