Chapter 2

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"Ehhemm... May I help you?" I turned my head to the side to see a man dressed in work out shorts and no shirt standing in the door way of a house I am in the middle of trying to get on the roof of.

"Umm.. Well you see I was playing basketball down the street and well, It just landed on your roof I think...." I stammered out carefully letting go of the roof and lowering myself to the concrete of the porch. "Oh, I see. You were playing with a basketball down the street and it happened to bounce over the gates, roll down my drive and then jump on the roof of my house. Okay, that makes sense." The man sarcastically replied to me still standing in his doorway. He just sat there staring at me for a few more seconds until I slumped over and sighed, " okay, I see this seems bad but it's not what you think... I swear."

"So what exactly is it then." He asked seeming quite irritated at me. I sat there thinking of what excuse to come up with wondering from is shadow covered face and down his shirtless body. He had beautifully sculpted abs and tattoos up and down his arms and chest. I looked down each individual crease of his torso imagining what they must feel like, until I got right above the lining of his shorts and came across a tattoo I couldn't quite make out. I sat there staring at it for a moment... I know I've seen that tattoo somewhere, like a picture or something. I went through all the possible things I could have seen it on like a slide show in my brain...
"Holy fuck!" I screamed realizing who the tattoo belonged to, and what man was merely feet away. Who's house I was just about to steal money from, and what exactly that tattoo was. It was a bat with a heart in the middle. This was the one and only goddamn Pete fucking Wentz's house! I am so stupid.

"What? Are you okay. Or is this just a way for me not to call the cops, because I have every right to you know that right? Or are you gonna tell me what the hell you were doing trying to get on my roof?" Pete practically screamed at me. "I was j-just, um well I was just trying to... I-I just don know what I was doing..." I looked at him hoping he would be sympathetic of anything, I didn't really care what happened as long as he did not call the cops I was fine. My mom would freakin kill me..

"Come inside, it's getting chilly and I need to put a shirt on, and I don't need you running away." He scolded me opening the door wider standing out the way so I could walk into his house. "Okay, I guess." I slowly walked into his house hands at my side and awkwardly stood beside the door. "Hold on ill be right back." He called back to me as he ran up the stairs and turned a sharp right into what I assumed was his room. I saw him peer over the corner to make sure I was still there and then went back into his room. I couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness. While he was gone I couldn't help but think, I was in Pete Wentz house, it may not be the best of circumstances but I am still in his house! I still am alone with him one on one talking to the bassist of my favorite band in the entire world. I have to play it cool though, not freak out. Cuz I mean I'm in trouble right now, I can't go fangirling over him if he might call the cops on me. I looked around the house and saw is amazing living room there was a black couch lining the wall, one of those couches that has an 'L' shape to it. At each end of the couch was a bean bag chair and a giant glass coffee table in front of it all. Directly in front of the giant couch was the biggest flat screen I've ever seen and big speakers connected to it. It was fantastic! I turned my attention back to the man when I heard him coming down the stairs pulling on a black Metallica shirt. He got to the end of the stairs and stretched out his arm instructing me to go sit in the living room. I walked into the living room sitting on the edge of the couch with my hands in my lap. As soon as I sat down I blurted out, "I'm truly sorry, like seriously, I'm so stupid I just I don't.." Pete cut me off "no need to suck up just yet, I would assume you would not like me to call the cops on you right?" He asked me although he already knew the answer to that question.

"Well yeah, I think that's already a given." I answered his question with an irritated tone. "Don't be mad at me, I'm not the one who was just about to hop on your roof."

"I know, again I'm sorry." I said slumping my head over rubbing my temples.

"Listen, I'm not going to call the cops on you," I lifted my head up and smiled at him. "But don't get to happy yet, I'm not just going to blow it over and let you get away with this okay, I was a teenager once and if someone didn't let me get away with everything maybe things would have ended up crazy. So you will own up to your actions and work off the damage you might have done, okay?" As I was listening to his words my smile slowly faded into a frown. You have got to be kidding me. I thought I was off the hook.

"Um.. Okay? What is it that I'm supposed to do?" I asked him scared to find out what I'd have to do.

"Well, I don't know yet. But tomorrow be here at 10:00am and don't be late and ill have something for you to do, oh an your name is?"

"Paige, Paige Johnson..."

"Okay you better be ere tomorrow. Or you better believe you'll have the cops at your door in the next few days." I nodded my head fast in hopes to get the conference over with as soon as possible.

"Well it's getting late, so I should probably get heading home. I swear ill be here tomorrow." I said with a half smile on my face. He stood up and so did I, he rested his hand on the small of my back and leaded me to his door an opened it. I walked out and started walking down the drive way, I only took a few steps before he called after me.

"Oh! My names Pete Wentz by the way." he came running down to shake my hand. "I know." I whispered barely audible. He smile and started to walk away and turned once more.

"Hope you enjoyed your climb Paige." he said jokingly. I laughed just loud enough for him to hear me.
I did. I really did.

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