Chapter 1: WHERE IS SHE?!

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Where am I..? I was just in my bed waiting for Damon to come and join me, but now I'm on a couch in an unfamiliar living room.

I sit up and see Edward and Bella sitting on the couch across from me.

"How did I get here..?" I ask.

"That doesn't matter. You're here now," Bella says, a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm leaving. Thanks for having me," I say, standing up from the couch.

"No you're not. You belong with your real family!" Edward yells.

"A real family doesn't completely forget about their second daughter," I growl.

"How many times do we have to apologize?" Bella asks, frustrated.

"Don't know, don't care. I have a real family that actually does care about me and not about the talents that I have," I reply.

"C'mon Dylan, you know that's not the reason why we want you. You belong with the woman that gave birth to you and the sister that misses you," Edward states, wrapping an arm around Bella.

"I don't belong here. Soon enough, Klaus will come and get me. I belong with them and not you guys. Why can't you guys get it through your thick heads?!" I yell. "Why can't you see that I'm happy with the family that I'm with?"

"You're not understanding sweetheart," Bella says.

"You belong with your biological family," Edward states firmly.

"What about my boyfriend? I belong with him too," I say, grinding my teeth.

"He's nothing but a fuck boy. He doesn't want you," Bella rolls her eyes.

Oh no she didn't.

I could feel the veins under my eyes begin to pop out and I could tell that my eyes were changing to a yellow color, meaning my wolf form was gonna come out whether I liked it or not.

My body fell to the ground and I yelped. The sound of my bones cracking rang throughout the whole room. I screamed as my bones continued to break. My hands formed into paws and my nose grew into a snout.

Once my body had changed into the white wolf that I was, I looked at Bella and Edward. They weren't that phased by my wolf body.

"Jacob!" Bella yelled.

Renesmee's boyfriend came into the room and stared at me wide eyed.

"Guys, I'm not sure if you want me to change while being inside your home," Jake stated, looking at me.

I let out a deep throaty growl and bared my teeth.

"Jake!" Bella yelled again.

Ugh, this bitch is getting on my nerves. I look over and see a large window, leading to a forest.

I run and jump through the window, heading toward the forest.

Soon enough there's footsteps following me. I sprint through the forest and dodge trees. Not daring to look behind me, I head toward a huge body of water.

The footsteps draw closer and I quickly glance behind me and see Edward. Of course, he's the fastest one out of all of them.

Dynamite (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora