Charpter 1: moving day

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Epic sans- hey, what's up kiddo

Chara- hey can you help me move stuff to my new house tomorrow

Epic sans- sure see ya then, bye

Chara- bye

(They both hung up and Chara fell asleep, the next day they were packing there was a knock at the door and Chara answerd and said)

Chara- hey Sans you got here quick

Epic sans- hey I told you I will help so being late won't fly with me

Chara-(giggles) ok get in here

(Rest of her stuff got packed and packed up and sent to Chara's new house once they got there she told them goodbye and waved bye after 30 mins of unpacking there was knock at the door she opened and greeted by two skeletons and one said)

Epic Papyrus- hello human

Chara- hey papy and sans why are you here

Epic sans- you now how determined my bro u try to tell him you got it but he wants to help

Chara-(sighs) you can help

Epic Papyrus- yeah can we come in

Chara- yup

(They started to unpack rest of the stuff and finished and Chara said)

Chara- stay here while I'll make dinner

Epic sans- ok kiddo

(She left, in sans's head)

Epic sans- God she is so beautiful

Epic Papyrus- hey sans what are you thinking about

Epic sans- (blushes and said) nothing.

Epic Papyrus- ok

(Chara appread with three plates with stake, macrioni and chease, and mash potatoes, she placed the plates in front of them and said)

Chara- bone appetite

(Papyrus threw a fit, while sans burst out laughing, few seconds later they started to eat after that the skelebro's said far wells and Chara went to sleep)

A chapter finished the next one is going to be called the nightmare so yeah bye.

(Epictale sans x Epictale Chara) Skeleton Romeo  Where stories live. Discover now