Love the New House

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We all woke up and moved some more stuff form yesterday and then took showers. There was 4 bathrooms so 2 of us had to wait. When we all got done with showers, we looked at the pool in the backyard. 

There was a big garden. Apples trees, grape and strawberry vines, banana trees, and more fruits and vegetables growing. The pool was huge and the deep end went down to 15 feet. There was a diving board and water slides. 

There is a tarp that covers the pool when you are done with it. In the sun room there are buttons that put jets on, turn on the slides, and put the tarp all the way over the pool. 

There was also buttons for the hot tub. The was a tree the had tire swings hanging from it. And then there was a huge swing set. Outside the sliding doors to go inside, there was a big round fireplace and wooden benches around it.

The a little table to the side with pokers, grabbers, hot dog sticks, a small fridge and freezer, and places to put wood and charcoal. And it the backyard a fence covered the whole yard. 

There is a gate the it locked by a padlock the is in the direction of the forest and the key is inside by the front door on the key hooks with the other keys so we don't loose them and when we go out, they are right there by the door. 

But the back yard was so huge that no one would complain about a fence blocking property to the woods in the back. I also cant wait to go exploring in the woods. We live in the Suburban part so there is not many house around us. 

We went back inside and it was about 9:00. So we went out to eat at a cafe. We got back at bout 10:30 because the cafe was so full and then we finished moving stuff and more stuff came so we moved that too. 

Sean uploaded 2 more videos and we continued our big job. It was about 2:00 and we took a break. We got out purses and tickets and went back to Ireland and then we got off the plane and drove to the mansion and mine and Sean's old house to get the rest of the things. 

And I got the pets and everything else ready and my friends came over to our house. We ate out at a buffet place and then came house and made sure nothing was left behind. Everyone brought there bags and everything to our house so in the morning, we just left to Britain and unpack and move stuff then go back to the daily days. 

________________________________________________________________________________It was morning and we all go to the airport. We got check in and flew to Britain. It took a few hours and we were so tired when we drove back to the house. We had to have a delivery truck drive the big stuff to our house and follow us home. 

I gave my animals food, water, and a treat. Then we unpacked and then went out to eat because all of our stomachs were growling.

"Oh my gosh. Thank god we had a break otherwise I would, break!"
Journey, we still have to unpack and do more stuff when we get home." Austin said laughing.
"UGH! Why? I am so tired.

I think we all might be. Ha ha," Kay said drinking a smoothie. "But just think, in a few more hours, we can sleep.
Ya right. I don't think I will be able to sleep with all the pain my arms and legs are in right now from carrying and pushing things. 
Ha. I know what you mean." Drake said eating a BLT. 

We finished eating and then we went home and finished up with the house. I mostly used my powers with the really heavy things and to move stuff to the attic and around in the attic, I used my powers so that know one knew I was up there, what I was doing, and why I am there. I would also use my powers down stairs because I was tired and stuff was too heavy. 

I was so happy it was done. Sean uploaded 2 more videos and then I started the fire in the fire place outside and we all sat on the benches watching the fire and talking. Lissy was on my lap, Zeus lying under my chair, and Sj falling a sleep on my shoulder. 

It is funny when every time Sean tries to kiss me and Sj is near, he will push Sean away or when I am holding him, he will push Sean's nose. But now Sj is used to Sean but still does it once in a while. 

"Ok who wants to see a rainbow fire?
By you?" Austin asked.
"No. There is this special kind of wire my grandfather always had." I got up and went to my room and grabbed it from the drawer. It was a normal looking wire but very thick. I went back out to the fire and sat back down on the bench by Sean and got under the big, soft blanket. 

I put my feet up and my knees to my chest and gave the bit of wire to Sean.

"This?" Sean asked holding it up.
"Yes that. Duh. Just put it in the bottom of the fire and wait." Sean leaned towards the fire and did what I said then leaned back and pulled my legs on him. The benches also had compartments at the bottom. I grabbed a pillow and layed it behind my back and leaned on it. 

Not much later, the fire started having blue and aqua colors in it. 

"Ok, now what colors do you guys see?
Green!" Sean shouted.
"Blue!" Said Kay. 
"A very pretty greenblue!" Evie said. I looked at the boys across from us and they said, " I agree with them." 
"Well now I see purple and a bit of orange." I said looking closer. 

"It is really pretty. I've never seen anything like this.
I know!" Said Kay then Evie.

About an hour later we all went to bed and put out the fire. 

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