Chapter Four

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"Wake up!" Jimi hollers and Ravenna clangs the pans. Great, apartment vibes from when I lived with Tommy.

Adam falls off the couch, bringing me along with him. He lands first on his back, then I land on his chest. He sighs as I chuckle. "We can't even sleep in peace."

"We will."



He sighs again. I roll my eyes and get off of him. I help him up and we walk past Jimi and Ravenna. Of course, Adam always beats me to Raven's crib.

I plop down on my bed as Adam takes her out of her crib. He sits down on my bed and of course, she was all smiles when she looked at the both of us.

"I can't believe she's six months old."

"I can't believe it's been half of a year. Where did 2017 go?"

He laughs as Raven grabs his nose. "Ask God that. I'm sure he knows."

My phone rings and I chuckle at who was calling me; Pretty Kitty. "Who is it?"

"TJ. He wants to FaceTime."

I answer and he had tears streaming down his face. "Tommy? Why in the name of god are you crying?"

"They're tears of joy! Ashley is pregnant!"

"Do you realize the time difference?"


We see him fall to the floor and start wailing. I look at Adam and he shrugs. Ashley takes the phone from Tommy as he kept crying. "I'm not ready to be a father!"

She chuckles. "It's a prank."

Tommy stops crying. "THIS IS A PRANK!?"

He gets up and starts chasing her around his apartment. Ashley drops the phone and Tommy steps on not too long after. I quickly hang up and burst out laughing.

"Well... that was... pleasant." Adam chuckles.

"He fell for it so bad!"

Adam shrugs and lays down on my bed, Raven resting on his chest. Now this is a beautiful sight to look at. Father and daughter cuddling. Never did that with my daddy.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I sigh as he makes crazy faces at Raven, walking across campus.

"Yes." He looks at me.

"Alright." I shrug.

We were going to talk to my professor. Well, Adam is gonna talk to her. I tried at least five times and I still got the same answer. Maybe she'll see how hot Adam is and how adorable Raven is then she'll let me go! I mean, Adam is pretty sexy.

Many girls on campus were gaping at Adam and also at the sight of us walking together with Raven. Sorry that my hubby is hot and our daughter is adorable.

"Adam, kn-" he went inside before I could even finish my sentence. Great way to get yourself in trouble, Adam.

"Mr and Mrs. Lambert. What brings you here?" She lifts an eyebrow at the sight of Adam.

Adam smiles nervously but quickly loosens up. "I came to talk about if Tiff could go on tour with me."


"Professor Sanchez, he didn't even get to explain!"

She sighs. "Why?"

"I mean, we just got married, and I want to spend more quality time with her and Raven." Adam looked down at the both of us. "I'm sure you know the story about how our relationship was. It literally made headlines everywhere."

She looks at me and I shrug. "Fine. She can go to the first show. But she needs to come back."

Adam grins at me and I chuckle. "Thank you."

She nods and we leave. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he held Raven with his other arm. He kisses us and smiles. Aww, he's obsessed with us! Very cute, Lambert...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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