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I had passed out. Apparently, the pain was too much. That was a few days ago.

Alaric and I didn't speak unless it was necessary, and I refused to use my air, not that Alaric had even suggested I try. We mostly worked with the two I was comfortable with.

Alaric's stare was unwavering as he watched me eat breakfast. That what he did the most lately. Just stare and follow me around like I was going to explode. He wasn't his usual snarky self, probably because he just as cranky as I was. However, his forced niceties were worse than his typical nastiness. At least I know how to deal with the nasty side.

He was driving me nuts.

I got up and put my bowl in the sink fully aware of the gray eyes drilling a hole in my head. "What!" I snapped.

"Nothing, I was just-"

"Just being annoying? What's next going to watch me take a shit too!" I spat before turning around and heading for the back door.


I turned on my heels glaring at him. "Leave me alone before I burn off that pretty little face of yours."

He didn't say anything else, and for that I was thankful. His distance from me appealing. Normally he would follow me still but stay back a safe distance where I couldn't feel his gaze on my skin. But this time he remained in the kitchen.

Normally when I was avoiding Alaric, I went out to the little creek that fed into the lake in the woods. I liked out here; it was quiet all except for the birds. I sat at the base of a tree and tipped my head back feeling the cool breeze caress my cheek.

I let out an exaggerated breath, feeling my eyes fall closed. Sleep dragged me under.

And then I was standing in a meadow on a summer's day. I could feel the chill of the wind prick my skin. I smiled at myself, closing my eyes.

I looked around realizing nightfall was beginning to show over the horizon. I wiggled my toes in the grass relishing in the feeling. I watched as a navy material began to cover my naked body, much like the suit Alaric now made me wear while training. I didn't feel exposed; I felt exhilarated.

I heard footsteps from behind me as Elijah and Alaric came to flank my sides. I smiled at Alaric before turning my gaze to Elijah. He smiled at me. "I miss you," I whispered to him.

"I know," he said grabbing my shoulders and crushing my body to his. "I miss you too."

I pulled away slightly and stared up at him. His eyes narrowed, seeing something on my face that no one else had.


I shot awake.

A cougar gazed at me from across the creek, strange blue eyes glaring as it growled at me. It stalked the bank, shoulders rolling with each step.

This wasn't the first time I had encountered a cougar. In fact, they were quite common here. I narrowed my eyes, keeping as still as I could as its brown fur rumbled with another growl.

The cougar's gaze shifted to the creek as I pulled a wave from it and drenched it from head to toe. It snarled and leaped into a tree.

Satisfied I relaxed, back pressing back into the tree at I smirked at it.

And then it grinned at me.

My blood went cold.

Grinning like the Cheshire...

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