Doubts of a Wandering Soul

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Alone, afraid

The world has changed

Winter never seems to pass

But in the gloom

Of a lost igloo

I remember my past


A past where warm sunshine

Would caress my face

Leaving it red and burned

But friends would smile

Laughing all day

Meeting in the place we learned


No pain, no tears

Due to the sadness

Of all the lost faces

Just giggles and snorts

Happiness abounding

Knowing no one could ever replace us


Now see where we stand

Half a world apart

Never speaking nor seeing

Only memories hold us together

But is that enough

For our spiritual being


Still we smile and laugh

Disguising the pain

That grows in the darkness inside

We forget, move on

Never discuss

Memories left to hide


But I reach to you

Wonder what you would do

If I was still there beside you

Would you laugh and play

Show me the way

Or ignore my presence next to you


I guess it matters not

You are there and I am here

And please don't be mistaken

I am not miserable

Nor do i seek your pity

I just wish people didn't have to be taken


Be good to your friends now

I only ask that you remember

Though I may not be physically there

I always root for, at every game

And am there for you at every obstacle

You were always there for me so I guess it's only fair


Surrounded and brave

That's how I feel now

Oh, how the world changes

And my best buddies remain in my heart

Their spiritual touch soothing me

Preparing me for whatever life's game is

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