Chapter 1 Along came a Kriegsherr

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Victor and I had just came back from solving a very strange case; one involving a group of twins, jewled cats,and a orchestra concert gone horribly wrong, but that's a story for another time. As I was saying we had just gotten back to our flat when we heard a knocking at the door. I heard Ms. Fulton, our housekeeper, open the door and ask who was there. In a minute she came in and said. " There is a telegram from a Mr. William Kirkland." " A unhappy customer sending a complaint?" I said with a chuckle. "No, I don't remember any case with a William Kirkland in it, so I don't think this fellow can complain about my work." Victor said back with a smile . " We better read this to find out what this gentleman wants." I will be visiting your office at 9:00 tomorrow morning to discuss a case I want to hire you for. I am not at the liberty to give you more details. But I promise I will give you every detail I have about this case." Victor remarked "Well he is certainly a straightforward man. Since it seems like we have our morning planed out, how about we go for a quick walk around the park to get some fresh night air in our lungs to help us sleep. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to an eventful day. Now that I think about it, I think this might the William Kirkland the head of the Vecchio Geheimnisse company."
Now that I thought about it he did ring a bell. The Vecchio Geheimnisse company is mostly involved in trading, buts also has other side businesses. It is considered one of the biggest and the most powerful companies that currently exist. I wondered what he wanted with us. I thought to myself "I guess that will find out in the morning."

The next day arrived quickly and so did our visitor. We had just finished up our breakfast and settled into the living room when we heard sharp knocking at the door. Ms.Fulton let him in and in walked a man. He had a very pensive looking face with a high forehead  and  dull grey hair combed back. He  was lean to the point of gaunt, but had steel colored eyes so fierce that it felt that he could look right through you. He looked around our living room which doubled as our living room, and said to me " Mr. Victor Vines I presume?"With a voice that sounded sure but not in a showoff way. "That would be the man sitting next to me, I'm just his partner." I said to him. "Now,now Lloyd, you are also the greatest friend someone could ask for." Victor said back. Mr. Kirkland then turned to face both of us and started to explain why he had come here. "The reason I have come over so early is to hire you two for a case. You will be well paid and any expenses involving the investigation." Victor looked interested and said. " That certainly sounds good, we will take the case. Please tell us all that you know about this case. " He took a second to compose himself and then begin to speak.

" As you may know, my family is considered to be very powerful. It would seem that we shouldn't have a care in the world. That couldn't be further from the truth. Someone is trying killing many wealthy businessmen and their family's. It has already destroyed half of my scoial group and has sent the other half into a panic hiring bodyguards  and beefing up their security. Most of them are so scared that they rarely leave their homes. All the police really know is that it is being done by the same person. The way they have been able to tell is next to the body of the person he just killed is a wreath with a card with the words " I'm Sorry" on it with a white handprint on it , earning him the name White Hand. The only way you know that your being targeted by him before he starts killing, is that a single white rose will appear on your doorstep; It's stem and leaves covered in blood. You then seem to have a few days before he starts killing you and your family. I want  to hire you gentleman to  protect my family and if you can ,find out who he is and stop him. Because this is what I found on my door step yesterday evening."

He then pulled something covered in cloth out of a pocket in his jacket. he then gently removes a white rose from the cloth, The first thing a saw was that it's stem and leaves were covered in blood. Victor sat there for a second not saying anything, finally he spoke and said " May I keep this flower to study this more?" Mr. Kirkland handed it over to Victor.

Victor looked at the rose at the rose for a few seconds before putting it down on the table. I then said to Mr. Kirkland " Is there anyone who you would consider an enemy?" Willam looked lost in thought for a second before he replies " There is one man who I would consider my enemy. His name is Nigel Geisal, rival businessman and an harsh and despicable man with not an ounce of humanity in him." The way he said the ending of that sentence, I could feel so much hatred that I subconsciously flinch away from him. Victor noticed me flinch, with a flicker of worry in his eyes he ask William Kirkland what he assumed would be an easy question. " Whats the reason you have such a strong dislike for this Mr. Geisal?" William looked startled for a second before replying " The reason is too difficult to explain at this time." His voice nearly cracking at every word. Victor and I share a glance with each other and we both knew immediately that is was time to change the subject.

Victor cleared his throat while grabbing a notebook that was laying nearby and asked "Could you please tell us more about your family, Mr. Kirkland." Mr.Kirkland then said "  I have very little time and I must get back home. How about you and Mr. Archer should come to my house to meet my wife and kids" Victor said with a teasing smile " There is no better way to get to know someone then by meeting them personally, what do you say Lloyd? Up for a visit to Mr. Kirkland's house?" I rolled my eyes in a joking manner and said "when am I ever not ready for a case? We would be glad to meet your family, Mr. Kirkland quickly stood up." "Excellent, I have a driver waiting outside for us. It will take us about an hour and a half to get to my home,so gather everything you need because it will be a long journey back if you forget it." William said briskly as he started to head out the door to tell the driver that two more men would be  joining him. I looked at Victor and said "He seems like a man who knows what he's doing. We better grab every thing we need before they leave without us!" We collected some pens notebooks,  and our bags that we try and have on a case  for interviewing and finding clues.I thought for a second, and put the rose in a part of my bag made for caring fragile items.  With a goodbye to Ms. Fulton and the promise that we'll return at a reasonable time, we climbed into the carriage  and started our journey to Kirkland Manor.

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