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There are four rules to life that everyone should take to heart. The first rule is that you will almost never what happened that led up to the point of the story you entered. You could try and gather as much of the story as you can, but there will be some questions you will never learn the awnsers to.The second rule is that failure is always an option. It is possible to commit no errors and still lose, that is not failure, that is life. Rule number three is you must be able to lie to the person you love most. This rule must only be true when the truth would put them in grave danger, no matter how much it hurts to lie to the person who helps makes up the happiest part of your world. The final rule is that fact might be pure fiction and what might seem like pure fiction is infact truth. I learned this rules in ways I wish I could forget. So I am writing them down here for you, for the reader of this story so that you do not have to learn them the same way I did.  I almost lost the person that helps make up the best parts of my world. This is an accont of an case where I learned the four rules quite painfully. This is also a case where people spin complex webs of lies that were being pulled apart peice by peice. Where a good man was in danger of losing everyone that he loved to an unknown enemie. To save his family, he came to us for help. We are Lloyd Wickliff and Victor Vines,Detectives for hire.

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