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Hello everyone...
I am very sry that I am super se upar late...I think many of u might forgot the stry already...I am so sry for not posting for these many days..not days infact months but can't help it as I am really busy...

Now let's go for the next part without any late..

Recap:Swasan's indirect confession and Sanskar learning Kavitha's truth..


Same Day


Guest Room

After having bf everyone retarded to their rooms...Swara also came back to her room and is sitting on bed thinking something deeply...At that time 2 persons  entered the room and saw her lost in her thoughts...They signalled something to each other and started going towards her..Finally they reached near swara but she still didn't notice them..They kissed swara from either sides on her cheeks tightly...Swara came to senses with that and found Sanansh sitting on her either sides grinning widely...Swara smiled at them and took ansh in her lap and side hugged Sanskar...Then sanskar spoke

Sanskar:Swara what are u thinking

Swara:Nothing Sanskar.(in mind)Why I am feeling that I have seen that kavitha before (diverting the topic)Acha u tell me for what u both came here

Ansh:Maasi we r going for shopping...


Sanskar:Ha swara we r going for shopping...come on get ready

Swara:But Sanskar...What abt kavitha

Sanskar:Don't wry abt her...She is not at home...She went out

Swara: ohh...How do u know

Sanskar:Swara she told me that she is going to meet her best friend kavya..


Sanskar:Now leave all these for sometime...we will go for shopping...go and change...we will wait down

Saying this Sanskar took Ansh in his arms and went out of the room...Swara also went to change...Soon she got ready and swasan Raglak and Ansh went for shopping in one car enjoying some family time...Ap and Dp who saw them going felt happy seeing their children happy and silently prayed to God for their happiness....

At Mall

Soon Swasan Raglak and Ansh reached the mall...They got down the car and all of them went inside...First they went to ladies section..Swaragini started seeing dresses while Sanlak are waiting for them to complete...

3 hrs passed but our swaragini still didn't select anything and are searching..Sanlak are getting bored and started talking with each other..

Laksh:Yaar how much time these ladies will take to select...I am getting irritated

Sanskar:Ha bhai even i am thinking the same...I think we should go and see once

Laksh:ya u r crct...let's go and see

Saying this sanlak went towards their wife's only to see them struggling in selecting dresses...Sanlak sighed seeing them and went towards them..

Laksh:Ragu shona u didn't select anything...

Swara:Jiju we are not able to decide what to choose

Laksh:Oh...let us help u..

With this laksh went towards ragini and selected saree for her while sanskar also went towards swara and selected a beautiful blue colour saree for her...Swara smiled brightly seeing her hubbys selection and told

Swara:Sanskar you told that u don't know selection but it selection is good

Sanskar(smiled):Swara I chooses this one bcoz it is my fav colour...Now come lets go u shld select dress for me..

Swara smiled at him and went with him...Raglak also smiled seeing their siblings happy after long time...

Soon they all completed their shopping and went to a nearby restaurant for lunch...They settled at their table...They are enjoying their lunch by doing masti and teasing each other...

After having their lunch they were about to leave frm the restaurant..They were about to sit in the car but suddenly swara stopped seeing something...Sanskar and Raglak after noticing that swara is not sitting in the car stepped out of the car and went towards swara...They were confused to see her looking towards something intently..
They followed her gaze and looked at the direction where swara is seeing...They are shocked seeing that as they saw kavitha hugging and talking to a man laughing...They are unable to see him...Seeing that Laksh started speaking

Laksh:Sanskar who must be that person that kavitha came to meet him...

Sanskar:Don't know bhai...She told me that she is going to meet her friend kavya

Swara (Realizing something):Sanskar may be he is her husband..

Laksh:Ha sanskar may be swara is correct...May be he is her husband

With this they went little closer to them so that they can listen what they are talking...

Kavitha's side

While Swasan and Raglak are trying to listen kavitha's talks kavitha is seen talking to that mysterious person laughing loudly

Kavitha(Hugging that person):Baby I missed so much

Person:Aww..Even i missed u too baby..Complete ur work fast and then we will be together forever..

Kavitha:Don't wry abt that..Already that sanskar started to believe..I am sure that soon he will leave that swara and accept me..

Person:Ha it should happen very soon...Then only we can get his whole propety on our name...Then i will get my revenge from his so called wife also...How dare she slap  me and send me to jail..

Kavitha:Ha baby...Don't wry we will destroy both swasan and his whole family very soon (*Huhh this will happen in their dreams only*)

Saying this kavitha hugged that person While kavitha is talking and revealing all her plans unaware abt being watched by our Swasan and Raglak Sanskar recorded her whole conversation without her notice..They are confused to listen that they are talking abt taking revenge from swara as they didn't saw that person as he is standing facing his back to swasan....Suddenly the person turned and Swaraglak are shocked to see that person...Sanskar is confused to see their shocked faces...Swara stumbled a little seeing him but at the Nick of the time sanskar held her..At that time only single name is heard from her mouth

Swara (Murmered):SAHIL

Sanakar is shocked to hear Sahils name From her mouth...

Screen freezes on their shocked faces...

Precap:You will get to know soon...


Uff!Finally done with this part...I am so sry if u didn't like it...I wrote half of the part in August and remaining I wrote today that too during lunch break...I am not going to discontinue this stry so don't wry...Will try to give next part soon...

I literally left everything and prepared for placements but unfortunately I didn't got placed till now...So pls pray for me that I will get placed soon

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Keep Smiling:-)
Take care

SWASAN-LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE(SEASON-2)Where stories live. Discover now