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Hello everyone..
I know u all r ready to kill me..but what to do I am gng for an internship due to which I am unable to write...Sorry for the inconvienence...I will try to post soon from now....

Now without any delay leta go to the next part..

Precap:Swara's past revealed..


Swasan r still in each others embrace..Swara is crying and Sanskar is consoling her...Soon swara realised her position and broke the hug...Situation became awkward between them..Swara is avoiding eye contact with him and spoke..

Swara:Sry Sanskar woh I troubled u..

Sanskar:Nothing like that swara...I can understand ur condition...So no need to tell sry..

Swara smiled lightly at him and asked:So sanskar what is ur decision abt this marriage??

Sanskar:Swara I already agreed for marriage na..then why r u asking again...

Swara:Sanskar woh I am asking whether u agreed for this marriage with your own will or by families force..

Sanskar:Swara I agreed for this marriage for my..sry our family..I still love kavitha and I will be loving her my whole life..But I promise u swara I will be truthful in our relationship and will fulfill all my duties towards u...

Swara smiled hearing him and spoke:Same with me also sanskar..I agreed for our families but I promise I will also fulfill all my duties as a wife and daughter in law...

Sanskar also smiled hearing her and spoke:Swara I know we both agreed for this marriage for our parents sake but after marriage we need to stay together for life long..we can't stay like stangers can we be friends??

Saying this he extended his hand towards swara hoping for a positive response..Swara looked towards him then towards his hand...then she smiled and shaked her hand with him and told


Sanskar smiled at her...Like this they talked with each other for some time..Then they left to their houses with smiles on their faces...

Engagement day

Time passed and finally the day of engagement of our swasan...Gadodia mansion is decorated beautifully for the function..Soon Maheswari family arrived and they r received by SheMish..

Swasan r made to sit on stage beside each other...They passed a smile to each other...Soon it is time to exchange rings..Swasan r made to stand opposite to each other..Raglak gave rings to swasan..Swara slid the ring in Sanskar's finger and sanskar also made her wear the ring..Family members and guests showered flowers on our couple..Family members r having tears in their eyes seeing them...

(*Sry if u didn't like the engagement part..plz maaf kardo iss nanhi si jaan ko*)

Next day


It is again a beautiful day with many hopes and expectations...Sanskar is found sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face...But but his peaceful sleep is disturbed when Ansh came into his room with babtmy steps..He slowly went and sat beside sanskar and started pouring water on his face with his water gun.. (*Baccha hai na..cant pour water with bucket he adjusted with water gun*)..Sanskar opened his eyes for to water on his face and found Ansh standing there with mischevious smile on his face..He frowned looking at him and spoke

Sanskar:u little devil...what is this..

Ansh(with wide grin):Nothing chachu..Dadi told me to wake u I did

SWASAN-LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE(SEASON-2)Where stories live. Discover now