Chapter 2

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Dimitri’s PoV:

I made to the location that Bruce gave me. I looked around, it’s empty and quiet. “Um, Uncle Bruce, are you sure this is the right place?” I asked through the intercom. “Yeah Why?” He asked. “Well, it’s emp-“My voice trailed off when I got hit in the back. I fell forward into the dirt. “Dimitri!? Are you okay?” Bruce asked. I groaned. “Yep” I got up, looking around for the source. I felt something wrap around my leg. I did not have time before I was pulled, slamming into the wall. I groaned, getting up slowly. I was pulled to another wall. Whatever was wrapped around my leg let go.” You are so stupid, Mr. Stark” A familiar voice said. I looked up to the mask of Bane. “Bane..” I said through gritted teeth. “He is alone, sir” Whiplash said. That is who was slamming me into walls like a ragdoll. “Did you not learn the last time you came alone. It cost you your brother’s life” I clenched my fist. I lunged at him, but Whiplash’s whips caught my wrists. pulling me back. Bane yanked my helmet off. “Bastard..” I spat. Bane chuckled. “Where is Kyle?” He asked. “Who is Kyle?” He punched me in the jaw. I felt blood filling my mouth, tasting metal. I spitted it out. “Don’t toy with me Mr. Stark”  

I smirked. “But toying is much more fun” I said. I felt the breath leave my body as he kicked me in the chest. I coughed, gasping for air. Whiplash’s whips tighten, cutting into my armor. He grabbed my jaw. “If you do not tell me where Kyle is, I will make sure I will kill the one closest to you” My eyes widen. Cassie I shook my head, and spitted in his face. He chuckled. “Bad choice” He let me go. “Let him go. He will have his time soon enough” Whiplash nodded, letting me go, I fell to the ground, gripping my wrists. I heard footsteps. I looked up and they were gone, cursing under my breath. I got up slowly. “Dimitri, come in.” I heard Bruce say in my earpiece. “I’m here” I said, I heard him let out a breath. “What the hell happen? I lost you for awhile.” Bruce asked. I walked over to my helmet. “I ran into…Trouble” I put on my helmet. My HUD flickered. I cursed under my breath. “What happen?” He asked. “Bane was here, so was Whiplash” I heard him groan. “Head back here, you father need to hear about this” I sighed. “Yes sir” I checked my jets, when I knew they would make it. I flew toward StarkTower.

I landed on the roof of StarkTower, as I was walking the robotic arms starting to take the iron man armor off. My head went dizzy when the robotic arms took the last piece of armor off. I leaned against the wall for support, I shook my head till the dizziness disappeared, I took a deep breath, I walked toward the lab. My Dad looked at me when I walked in. “Are you okay?” He asked, I could hear the concern in his voice, “Yeah, it was nothing I couldn’t handle” I leaned against the counter, “What happen out there?” Bruce said, walking up with the first aid kit. I went to say no, but then I didn’t have the strength to. “Well, when I went to the place at first I thought it was empty, but when I was telling Bruce I got hit by something. Well I stood up and whiplash grabbed my leg and threw me around like a ragdoll…Bane wants me to tell him where Kyle is” I finished, I winched when Bruce started cleaning the cut, he mumbled a sorry. My dad groaned. “We need to stop them before they find Kyle” I bit my lip, debating whether or not I should tell them about Bane’s threat. Bruce and My dad was talking but my mind went back to the threat. “If you do not tell me where Kyle is, I will make sure I kill the one closet to you” I shuddered at the thought of Cassie dying, I pushed the thought out of my head. “Dim!” I blinked. “What?” I asked, My dad chuckled. “You spaced out, you okay?” Bruce asked. I nodded. “Yeah, I was. Thinking” I smiled slightly. They nodded. “I’m going to go train” I got up and walked out.

Tony’s PoV:

I watched Dimitri leave. I looked at Bruce. “What do you think is wrong with him?” I asked. Bruce shrugged. “Don’t push it Tony, he has already been through enough” He walked over to the desk. “I know, I know. “ I sighed then left the lab to find dimitri

The Push:Sequel to Secrets UnfoldedWhere stories live. Discover now