Ugly Memories

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There was a lot of things running through my mind at this moment,  but the most prominent was the undeniable disgust that I felt for the man in front of me. 

" I thought I would never see you again Faith!" Jason smiled widely at me. That was the plan, I thought. " 

"Hi Jason. Look I don't really have time to chat so If you don't mind I-"

"Woah wait, talk to me! You can't just pretend I wasn't one of the best you had." I had to resist rolling my eyes at him.

"Jason, you were the ONLY one I had. And I a drunken mess so does it really count? No." I tried to push past him but he moved his body to block me. I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Aww c'mon babe you know that isn't true. Why are you acting like this, I still want you if that is what you're worried about." He tried to grab my waist but I quickly backed away, putting my arms out as some sort of a barrier. 

"It is true Jason. I never wanted you in the first place. That night would have never happened if you didn't try to stick your tongue down my throat every two seconds. You were there when I was wasted get over yourself." I tried to move away again but he moved with me. I looked down at my phone and saw my DMs with Will still opened, unanswered. Jason caught my sight and took my phone out of my hand.

"Who's this? You're talking to another guy now?" I reached for my phone, only for him to back up and raise it higher. 

"It doesn't matter. It is none of your business Jason give me my phone back." He continued to back up, reading the messages that were so obviously not for his eyes. 

"Beautiful? Why is he talking to you like that?" I rolled my eyes again at his stupidity.

"I don't think you are understanding me correctly. Let me break this down for you. It. is. none. of. your. business." I snatched my phone back and breathed out an angry sigh. "Now I am going to get what I came for and you can leave now. Goodbye Jason." I walked further into the supermarket heard him yell after me.

"We aren't done here Faith!"  I flipped him off and continued walking further into the supermarket. I looked down at my phone and remembered that I hadn't replied.


Leaving me on read I see lol

Omg I'm sorry. My "ex" tried to harass me after like 2 years. It was a mess.



Ex? How did that happen?

Okay so I was drinking one night with a few friends and I got super drunk. He kept trying to kiss me all night and when I finally got wasted enough, I let him. One this led to another and you can fill in the rest.



Oh wow. Sounds like a dick to me

Tell me about it. I was never attracted to him in the first place. If I had to regret anything, it would be that.



I would regret it too if the roles were reversed. But listen, I gotta go fix some things for the ep. Hit you up later?

Yea of course! Talk to you later liam



Bye beautiful💕

A smile made its way onto my face. He never failed to make me happy. I stuffed my phone in my back pocket and walked aisle through aisle trying to think of something to make. I spotted ground beef and instantly wanted to make some tacos. I grabbed the rest  of the ingredients, also picking up some cupcakes for dessert. I quickly got my items checked out and threw them into the trunk of my car, eager to finally go home and cook. The confrontation with Jason set me back about 15 minutes. I now only had 4 hours to throw the tacos together. 


"Hey guys!" I said, letting both my brother and his boyfriend in. I locked the door behind them then walked to the kitchen to bring the food out.  

"Make yourselves comfortable, I've made tacos." I heard Ronnie let out a 'yay' of excitement and I carefully brought the food out and set it on the table in front of them. 

"So what's new sis?" I sat down and made myself a taco, biting down on it and savoring the meaty goodness. 

"Nothing much, same old same old. What about you guys? Hows the adoption process going?" I sat further up in my seat, anxious to hear more details.

"We already found a baby girl we want to adopt. She's 2 and has been through at least 3 foster homes since she was born." My jaw dropped at what Ronnie had just said.

"Her name is Hope and she is the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. She has the most smoothest chocolate skin on the planet, and you know I love my skin care." Jayden expressed. He had the biggest smile on his face. 

"I'm so happy for you guys! This is going to be such a huge step for the both of you."  I got up and hugged both of them tight. Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of how my life ended up. Never in a million years would I have thought everything would be this good.


A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for the tiny chapter I've had killer writer's block. What do you think about the first person P.O.V? If you like it then I will continue to write it like this but if not then I'll go back to third person. Let me know y'all. -Jax 

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