Chapter 7

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"It's nothing," Oliver said distractedly, taking her arm and steering her back toward the dining area. "Let's join the othe-"

She yanked her arm free. "No! I want to know what's going on and I want to know now."

He really didn't want to have this conversation. "Sara, it was a misunderstanding. That's all."

She looked at him, her mouth growing taunt. He knew what that meant. They were going talk. Resigned, gestured to an empty alcove just past the maître d.

"Do you realise that this is the second time, that I know of, that you've gone ballistic at the sight of Felicity with another man?"

Oliver felt a pang in his stomach but ignored it, shaking his head. "That's not what this is about."

She looked at him sceptically, irritation rolling off her in waves. "It's not? Excuse me for not believing you when you just stormed onto the dance floor like a jealous ex!"

He scoffed. "Now you're exaggerating." Was she? He adjusted his weight from one foot to the other. "I thought that Donner was here with someone else. I didn't realise it was Felicity."

A waiter passed them, looking at them suspiciously and Sara smiled, lowering her voice. "Do you have feelings for her?"

Her direct question threw him. Oliver waited a beat before opening his mouth to respond. The pause was apparently enough of an answer for Sara. She glowered at him, moving to walk past. He stepped into her path. "I do not have romantic feelings toward her."

She raised an eyebrow. "And yet your behaviour lately belies that very statement."

He stepped closer to her to avoid being overheard by a couple chatting nearby. "I care about her. We're friends, Sara, and I don't want to see her get hurt."

She pushed a blonde bang behind her ear impatiently. "What makes you so sure that Adam Donner is going to hurt her?"

"Because…" his voice trailed off, struggling to find the right combination of words.

"You have no logical reason, do you?" She spun away from him, running a frustrated hand through her hair. Turning back she said, "Felicity is a grown woman, Oliver, and she can take care of herself. If your claim that you only care for her as a friend is true, then I suggest that you get over whatever it is that's making you behave like a jackass and move on."

Frowning, she stepped around him and walked back to their table. Unable to do anything else, he followed, ignoring the curious looks coming from the other members of his party.

"Oliver, what on earth was that all about?" Moira asked, her tone clearly disapproving.

He sat down. "A misunderstanding," he said, repeating the same words he'd given Sara.

Roy leaned forward enquiringly, placing his elbows on the table. "Who knew Felicity was so Smoakin' hot?"He grinned mischievously, clearly pleased with himself.

Thea glared at him, gesturing toward his elbows. "Firstly, that's bad manners." Roy looked down in confusion and slowly sat back. "Secondly," she said, turning to Oliver. "Who knew Felicity was so Smoakin' hot?"

Roy burst out laughing, amused that she'd repeated his line.

Oliver looked up from his menu and found four pairs of eyes staring at him. Thea's and Roy's were alight with interest while his mother's and Sara's were a mixture of annoyance and curiosity respectively.

"What?" he asked, without interest, hoping they'd move on.

"Ollie," Thea said with exasperation. "Focus! Is Felicity dating the DA?"

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