Chapter 6

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Your POV:
I found Starfire, but decided to leave her alone since she was still with Silkie. Instead, I went into the TV room and sat on the couch. Taking out my phone, I looked through my music. I decided on (fav song) and put my earbuds in, while browsing the internet. Just as my song was getting to the best part, the alarms went crazy. I reluctantly took out my earbuds and looked at the screen in front of me. The other Titans arrived and did the same, while Robin went to the computer.
"It's the Hive Five! They're robbing the mall again!" Robin shouted, turning to face the rest of us. "Let's go!" we all ran our own way, since we traveled differently. Instead of going with Cyborg this time, I decided to go a different way.
"Hey, Cy, do you have a sheet of metal I could borrow?" he looked at me in confusion, but pointed to a loose metal piece in the wall.
"I need to replace that one, so you can use it," he stated. "Why do you need it?"
"Watch," I called, then used my telekinesis and turned the metal sheet into a hover board. I looked at my communicator and found the fastest way to the mall. "See you in a few, Cy!" I called as I flew out the door. The ride to the mall was simple, even though I almost fell once. Other than that, it was pretty fun. Once I made it to the mall, I didn't wait for the others. I just walked through the front doors and looked around, trying to find anyone in the Hive Five. When nothing happened I began to get impatient, so I walked towards the middle of the mall, where I first met the six jokers. Again, I couldn't see anyone, not even normal people. Instead of turning around though, because I'm stubborn, I sat on the edge of the fountain. While playing with the water, I heard someone in one of the stores. Looking up, I finally saw one of the Hive Five: Seemore. He seemed to be watching me, but I paid no mind to him, instead looking at the water. After I looked down, I heard noises from five more stores. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and shot a stream of water towards Seemore's hiding spot. He squealed as my water rope grabbed his ankle and dragged him back to me.
"H-hi?" Seemore said, although it sounded more like a question.
"Hey Seemore, how are you?" I asked while trying to stifle my laughter. He looked confused, but brightened slightly after processing my question.
"I'm good," he responded, failing to hide the fact that he was looking around. I watched as he looked into five different stores, before looking back at me.
"Thanks, Seemore," I smirked at his confusion.
"For what?" he questioned.
"For showing me where your friends are," I laughed, shooting more water ropes towards the different stores. The rest of the Hive Five made the same type of squeal as Seemore did when the water ensnared his ankle. Soon enough each member of the Hive Five were wrapped up in a tight water rope. Finally, the rest of the Titans showed up and looked at me.
"Where were you?" I asked, not taking my eyes away from the criminals.
"We took a detour," Robin said from behind me. I wasn't convinced, but it wasn't important right now.
"Alright, but I'm gonna have questions later," I turned slightly towards Robin to get my point across. He got the point and I turned towards the Hive Five again. I summoned my makeshift hover board and got on, finally looking at all the Titans.
"(N/n), what're you doing?" Beastboy asked as I began to fly upwards.
"I'm heading back to the tower, and grabbing some pizza, so I'll see you in a bit!" Then I flew away, leaving everyone to stare after me.

Ending a fight (Teen Titans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now