Thank you pt. 2

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Fun fact: I originally wrote this story in eighth grade! Looking back at it now, I can clearly see how young I was and how excited I was about writing. My writing style has matured so much, and I wish I could have the time to rewrite this book and make it more to my liking. Even then, I'm so glad that people have been enjoying this book, since I was so proud of it back then. Thank you all so much.
If I ever have time I would love to get back to this book and improve everything I can. Writing this book helped me embrace my love for writing, and showed me that people actually found my writing interesting. Once I'm able to I hope to begin writing stories again, and hopefully bring more people joy.
So thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. If little me could see how well this book has done she would be absolutely floored and overjoyed.
I truly value all of you.

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