Part 15

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Logan Stares at you stunned. "Wha?" he mutters.

"Well, look at you. The almighty Wolverine at a loss for words?" you tease, trying to defuse the tension.

He grips you by the back of the neck, resting his forehead against yours. "Do you mean it?" he asks.

"Yeah, I do. I love you, Logan." The answering smirk you receive has you rolling your eyes. "Alright, wolfy, let's get going. Tony is going to be pissed we skipped out."

Logan chuckles darkly as he pulls open the door, checking to make sure the coast is clear. It isn't. "Barnes," you hear him mutter.

Freezing at the name, you begin to panic. How long was he out there? How much had he heard?

"You two done?" comes the steel hard voice of Bucky.

Regret makes a momentary appearance when the pain reflected in his eyes claws at your insides. Fuck.

"Tony received intel and needs everyone in the meeting room in twenty." His voice is emotionless. Winter Soldier mode saving him from further hurt.

"Bucky," you whisper. His eyes seem to look into your soul.

"I don't need explanations, (Y/N)," is his reply, his face hardening more. "You aren't...mine," he spits out.

Logan draws himself to his full height. "Listen bub, this ain't none of your business, so fuck off before we go another round," he grits out.

Placing a gentle hand on Logan's forearm you address Bucky. "I'm sorry this is hurting you, James," you say as gently as you can, his face softening slightly at the use of his first name. "But I told you what you and I had is over."

He snorts out a laugh. "Ya might want to tell your body, baby girl. The way you responded ta me out there told a whole other story." He smirks at you.

Logan snarls at the chocolate haired man. Taking a step forward, you stop the inevitable fight before it can begin.

"I'm trying here, Barnes, but I swear to all that is holy if you speak to me like that again I will stop playing nice!" Prodding him in the chest you continue. "This is on you. Us not being together is on you! Accept it! I am not going to melt into your arms because you said sorry! I am not going to come running back because you feel bad!" Tears make an unwanted appearance in your eyes. "I am with Logan!" You enunciate every word, trying to get it to sink into his thick skull. "You and I will never be together again. It is over!" you say as you push past him. "And another thing, keep your red headed bitch on a leash!" you spit, eyes turning red with anger. "I am done playing these stupid ass games with the both of you." Turning on your heel, you stride away from both men, trying unsuccessfully to keep a lid on your flaring anger.

Muttering profanities under your breath, you ignore the wolf whistles filtering to you from various Avengers and X-men. You had, undoubtedly, been louder than you thought, and it had you groaning, stalking toward your bedroom, fists clenched at your sides.

"Sestra," comes Wanda accented voice.

You stop and let out a sob, running to the red witch, and flinging your arms around her.

"I missed you, sestra," she murmurs as she rocks you back and forth, not saying anything else as you break down in the middle of a hallway.

"They are men," Wanda comments. "Men are often foolish and stupid."

After you had finished crying, you had moved into your room. Wanda was currently sitting on the sink while you took a shower.

"They are going to have pissing contests until you leave," she chuckles dryly. "That Logan though.. His mind is dark."

You snort. "He's been through a lot, but he's still a good man."

She smiles softly. "I did not say he was bad. I meant that he has so much pain in his past, it causes me pain to be near him."

You nod in understanding as you reach for a towel. "I know, it's a lot to take in when you are unaccustomed to it. Eventually it becomes background noise." She regards you skeptically. You laugh out loud. "I promise, it was way worse a couple of years ago. He's changed so much."

She smiles widely at you. "You are in love with him," she states matter of factly.

"Yes, yes I am," you reply seriously before you and Wanda burst into a fit of giggles.

Ten minutes later, you are strolling toward the conference room, chatting animatedly with Wanda. Rounding the corner, you spot a sullen looking Bucky, and an absolutely murderous looking Logan. You snort out loud causing both men to regard you sheepishly. Moving toward Logan, you take a seat beside him, squeezing his hand, letting him know all is forgiven. The corners of his mouth lifts minutely, shoulders relaxing. You chance a look at Bucky who is scowling at the conference room table, and sigh. You knew this wasn't going to be easy.

Tony claps his hands together, "Alright ladies and gents. We received intel about an hour ago. We have located the base where the op to take, (Y/N) and tin can is being run from."

Logan chuckles briefly at Tony's jab at Bucky. You nudge him hard in the ribs. "Don't be a child!" you whisper angrily. He has the good grace to look slightly guilty.

"The base is heavily guarded. At least a hundred agents protect it, along with anti-aircraft weaponry and various other booby traps." Tony gestures at Steve, who stands from his chair.

"The X-men will go in first. Storm will create cover, while (Y/N) disables the booby traps and weaponry." You nod in understanding. "Logan, Colossus, myself and Bucky will engage in the front, while Tony, Sam and Vision take the sky." He pauses to look each person in the eye. "Kitty will take Clint, Natasha, and Wanda through the back to disable whomever is inside and destroy the op specs."

Dread fills you at the mention of Natasha. You don't trust her to do this. You swallow down the panic in your throat, turning your attention back to Steve.

"Everybody understand?" he asks, receiving affirmative responses around the room. "Good. Everybody get some shut eye. We leave in twelve hours." He dismisses you with a wave of his hand.

Logan pulls you from your seat, ushering you down the hallway to your bedroom, receiving a harsh glare from Bucky as he holds your hand possessively. You did not have a good feeling about this.

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