Part 13

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Logans POV:

Watching you embrace the Captain sends jealousy roaring through him. He knows it means nothing. Your feelings for Steve nothing more than friendship, he can tell by your scent. Still, his mind roars, Mine!

All it takes is a cock of your head to the side to know you've heard him. Eavesdropping minx, he thinks, making sure the words are full of affection. You take a step back, allowing him to relax.

Pulling you toward him, he nuzzles into your hair. God he's missed this, missed you. Your scent, your taste, the feel of you as you move beneath him. Your soothing presence when the nightmares take him and he screams in the middle of the night. With you, he knows, even in the worst of the dreams, the hardest of nights, should the unthinkable happen, should he put his claws through you, you'll be alright. You won't have to drain him like Rogue. You won't die like... Jean.

He can't let you go again. Never should have walked away in the first place. To lose you now, after finally getting you back, it would rip out his soul. Jean had shattered his heart, but you. Losing you again, would destroy him.

Wrapping his arms around your waist, completely ignoring the other people in the room, he takes a deep breath in. A content growl rumbles through his chest as he grips you tighter. You smell so good. Like light and life. Like home.


The word comes out half purr, half growl, all possession. It causes a fetching pink tint to grace your cheeks, and has him chuckling heartily. Slipping his fingers underneath your shirt, he traces simple circles into your flesh. So soft, so silky smooth beneath the roughness of his calloused hands.

When you turn to face him, voice low and full of murmured warning, saying only, "Logan," it unleashes the feral nature within him. The beast that wishes to claim, mark, possess every part of you. That one word has him growling in anticipation, a protective hand pulling you closer to him. Looking up, he sweeps his hard gaze around the room, locking eyes with every male member there.


Your chastising voice snaps him out of his daze, and he smiles for you, suddenly sheepish. "Sorry," he mumbles. The answering smile you grace him with has him melting into an adamantium puddle. He knows he's a goner. He ain't never giving you up, even if he had to burn the world to the ground to keep you by his side.

He has a lot of making up to do. He hurt you when he left you for Jean, but he never stopped loving you. He dreamt of you nearly every night for years, wishing he could take it back, have you back.

So fuckit! He was gonna keep what had finally returned to him. The Wolverine would fight to the bitter end, and Bucky Barnes could suck his dick.

Bucky's Pov

He watches as you seem to melt into the wolf's touch, giggling softly when Logan whispers something in your ear. He can barely watch, barely breathe.

He knows that could be him. He knows that this is his fault. That he pushed you too this. That you not being in his arms is entirely his fault, but he still can't bear to watch. Fists clenched tightly at his side as he hears, "Mine," leave Logan's mouth.

You'd admitted you loved him still. You'd admitted that you didn't know how you felt toward Logan. But with that little display, with how you let the scruffy stranger touch you, it was pretty fucking obvious.

Why couldn't you forgive him? Why couldn't you see how much this hurt? How sorry he was?

He would be better. He could make amends if you'd only let him. He would treat you the way you deserved, never look at another woman again if that was what it took.

He can't keep watching. It is making him physically ill to see you in his arms.

Turning to leave, he catches the sympathetic look on Steve's face. Not wanting his pity, he strides from the room, accidently walking into a disheveled Natasha. She opens her mouth to speak, but he shakes his head unable to deal with more drama. Picking her up bodily, he deposits her beside him, leaving her standing alone outside Tony's lab.

Your Pov

Disengaging yourself from Logan's possessive embrace, you look toward Tony. "We will need to start training together ASAP. The X-men and Avengers have different styles of fighting. We will need to figure out how to work together."

Tony nods once, looking to Cap for confirmation.

"I don't know how well this is going to work (Y/N). There are...tensions," Steve says rather diplomatically.

You scrutinize him for a full minute before shaking your head. "People need to get over that. This isn't about who gets the girl, Steven. This is about saving Bucky's butt before Hydra gets a hold of him again." You take a fortifying breath. "And saving mine. If you'd prefer, Logan and I can leave and deal with this on our own. I am not forcing you to work with me, with us, but this is your best chance."

Steve has a red tinge of embarrassment on his face. "I just don't want conflict," he mumbles.

"Too late, Stevie. That ship has sailed. It's never going to go back to the way it was. I'm not going to come back to the Avengers, and I am not going to get back together with Bucky. This is the new normal."

He sighs but nods.

Logan lets out a wry chuckle, and you whirl to face him, prodding him in the chest. "And you!" you glare. "You need to stop with this possessive Alpha male bullshit. I am not property, Logan."

He rubs at his neck sheepishly, a lopsided grin on his face. "Sorry, darlin'," he chuckles.

Satisfied, you advance on Tony. "And you stop with the 'witty' remarks. Honestly, it's like working with overgrown man children!" you say, throwing your hands in the air. "I am so done with this shit!" Frustration pushing you into a tangent. "I will whip every one of your butts if this shit doesn't end now. Do we understand each other?"

A few awkward moments of foot shuffling commence before they all mumble, "Yes, (Y/n)'s."

You nod, satisfied with their apparent cooperation, and stride out the room, plainly ignoring the voice in your head telling you to destroy the redhead as you pass her. She is seemingly frozen to the spot, chaotic thoughts wiping through her head that you ignore. She's no longer your concern.

"Logan," you yell over your shoulder before you go too far. His head appears around the doorway. "We need to go greet the others, they should be here in thirty minutes. I'll meet you on the roof."

He nods in agreement, smiling all the way. "Alrigh', darlin'. I'll meet you up there. Iron guy wants to check out my claws," he replies as he retreats back into the lab.

Dread instantly courses through you. You do not want to know the havoc Tony Stark and Logan Howlett could unleash on the world if they ever decided to work together for an extended period of time. "Don't keep me waiting, wolfman!" you warn, hoping it will get him out of that room sooner rather than later.

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