eighteen||how they comfort you from nightmares

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SHIRO| Shiro will let you climb into bed with him and wrap his arms around you, lulling you softly back to sleep as he whispers kind words into your ear.

KEITH| Keith doesn't know much about comforting. So you two will sit on his bed and just talk, trying to take your mind off of your previous nightmare.

LANCE| Lance tries to make you laugh. He'll tell you jokes, make funny faces, and then he'll pull you in his lap and start tickling you. He'd do anything to make you smile.

PIDGE| To take your mind off the dream, Pidge will let you stay up with her and help her work on one of her latest projects.

HUNK| Hunk loves to cuddle. So you two will most likely be cuddling on your bed with a nice bowl of Altean slime...you still don't understand how that's good.

ALLURA| Allura will stay up with you and roam the castle halls, hand in hand as you try and clear your mind.

LOTOR| Lotor and his team don't sleep much. So when you wake up from a nightmare, Lotor will simply set you down on his lap as they work on their battle tactics, occasionally snaking his arms around your waist.

Oh yes. Lotor is here too.

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