one||how you met

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SHIRO| You met when they released you from your cryosleep along with Princess Allura and your uncle Coran. You were easy to warm up to everyone at first, but when it came down to the hunt of the lions you weren't the biggest fan of Shiro.

Sure he was probably one of the nicest ones you were working with, but it was mostly out of jealousy well wanted to be the one piloting the black lion.

KEITH| You met when you were training to become a pilot. You were mostly in your group of friends which included Hunk, Pidge, and your brother Lance, but you seemed to be steered away each time you tried to talk to Keith by Lance.

You didn't know why, but your brother just had a disliking to him. But after all that has happened with rescuing Shiro and now helping them with Voltron, you met Keith properly while training.

LANCE| You officially met when you followed Ulaz into Castle Lion to warn the Paladins and your partner's 'friend' Shiro. Most may had seemed to see you as a threat, but Lance was the first to greet you with open arms.

I mean you were a beautiful girl, who surprisingly didn't look Galra compared to Ulaz, so of course Lance seemed to fancy you quickly.

PIDGE| You accompanied her and Shiro to find the green lion. Your older sister Allura told you to show them where they needed to go and you seemed to be happy to help.

You and Pidge really hit it off with your love of science and her sense of adventure and while you both talked you were really happy for her being chosen to pilot the green lion.

HUNK| You actually met at the galactic mall when you were searching for a bite to eat and happened to stumble upon the once cheaply made and grotesque food court restaurant.

You were quite surprised to see a huge line for the food and the cook to be-well...a human.

ALLURA| You were a prisoner like your brother Matthew and Shiro. But somehow you managed to escape with him and the others and happened to join them in their hunt for the lions with the Altean princess.

You two weren't really close at first though, you were actually very intimidated by her. I mean she was a princess of an extinct race that created the most powerful weapon of all the galaxy.

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