The flamed mystery

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My secret mission is turning out to be more complicated than I thought.

As long as the Prime stays locked up in his chamber and gets out only to say two words to Ironhide, I have very few chances to do anything.

This afternoon I am lying with my back against a tree not too far from the base and just scanning the horizon without looking for anything in particular. I kind of like this place actually. It is calm and peaceful, far from the streets and cities, which are full of traffic and smog.

My thoughts turn to Optimus and I can't avoid it. The last time I saw him was just this morning: he went outside and, after saying something to Bumblebee, he transformed into a flamed truck and went away. I stared quite helplessly until he was too far and I couldn't see him anymore. The way he walked, the way he acted with the others, with such leadership, I found him pretty intimidating and I realized that just going there and say hi couldn't have been as simple as it is with the others.

I sigh and let myself slip down until I sit on the grass.

"Something's wrong, Miss?" a well known voice speaks behind me.

I lean from the tree and see Bumblebee looking at me, one metre away.

"I'm fine, Bee" I answer, returning to look in front of me "I'm just... thoughtful."

I hear his heavy steps as he approaches my tree and sits next to me, accompanied by metallic noises.

"Where did he go?" I ask suddenly, surprising even myself.

"Uh? Who?"

"Prime. I saw him leave this morning."

"I don't know."

"Don't lie, Bee, I saw he told you something."

"Why would it concern you?"

I shrug.

"I live here, you know. There's not much else I could worry about."

Bumblebee sighs. Or probably just makes the noise of a sigh. I casually wonder if these aliens do breathe or something like that.

"He told me nothing about his destination actually," Bumblebee explains at a certain point. "He just said he'll be back before the sunset."

I nod slightly.

"How well do you know him?" I ask.

He glances down at me with a weird expression, but then shakes it off quickly.

"Very well" he only concedes.

"And... why do you think he's acting like this... you know..."

"You're worrying too much for what I see."

"Oh, you're so frustrating!"

"I am?"

I sigh.

"Alright" I accept the defeat, "The thing is... throughout these days I got to know you all, except him. And this simply increased my cutiosity."

"Just go and talk to him!"

"What? Are you crazy? He looks ready to destroy anyone who dares to try."

"Who? Optimus Prime?!" he laughs awkardly a little bit.

"Yeah! With that attitude all-tall-and-serious of his, just so intimidating. What makes you laugh?"

"You haven't got the smallest idea of who Optimus is, little lady."

You got the point, big bee, I think and turn to look at him with a questioning look.

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