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"Let me go" I order in a low voice.

Whenever anger takes me over, I find it difficult to talk not exploding. My voice comes out weak, vibrating.

"If I let you go, they'll catch you" says the Transformer quite too calmly.

"You let me go, now!" I raise my voice and punch the dashboard, unable to control myself.

I paralyse for a second, not sure of what could the Transformer's reaction be. Maybe punching a deadly alien machine wasn't exactly one of my best moves.

"I can't, don't hit me!" the radio begs.

It doesn't seem dangerous. In some ways I feel almost touched by his begging words, but I soon return to myself. He is one of those who killed my mum. And I must escape from him.

"If you don't free me now," I threaten "I'll punch the window strongly enough to break it and escape by myself."

"You won't do it" the voice says.

Oh, really?

"Three," I begin "Two..."

The car stops all of a sudden and I can't help but fall forward for inertia. As soon as I feel I'm about to crash into the windscreen... It doen't happen. My eyes are closed and I just hear some weird mechanical and metallic noises until I hit the ground, which very fortunately is a soft meadow. My back hurts and for a moment I can't breathe. I'm lying on the grass, blinded by the sun. One only thought passes throught my mind: I'm free.

But after few moments, a shadow covers the sun above me and I narrow my eyes to try figure out what is it in backlight. I see two bluette optics staring down at me. I thought he just left. I was wrong.

I wide my eyes and jump on my feet, turning around to face a giant yellowish metallic creature who keeps staring at me. I feel a shiver running down my spine. I'm scared. This deady machine killed the only person who was important to me.

"What do you want from me?!" I scream angrily opening my arms.

"Really? I have just saved your life and this is the way you thank?"

His words block me. I open my mouth to answer but close it again, feeling my eyes tingle. I can't hold back a little tear.

"T-thank you? I should-" my voice breaks, "Thank you, uh?"

I turn around and leave, trying to accelerate my pace. I must bite my inferior lip not to yell deliberately. But I sense some tremors on the ground and soon that creature appears in front of me making me jump backward. He scares me a little, even if he doesn't seem so dangerous.

"Wait, please" he requests. "I won't hurt you, it's not my intention."

"Oh, really? Come on. Isn't it what you do all day everywhere?"

"What in the universe are you talking about, human?"

"Listen," I start very concisely. "I don't care of what crosses your processors. You are a Transformer. And all I know is that you have killed my mother. That's enough to me."

Said that, I resume to walk and surpass him, continuing on my way.
I hear those mechanical noises again but I keep walking, passing a hand on my face to wipe the tears away. I only stop when that same yellow Camaro stops in front of me and opens a door. It surprises me just a little.

"There must be a misunderstanding here, Miss" he begins with a serious tone that catches my full attention, "You probably know hardly anything about us. Let me just say that I'm an Autobot. We Autobot do not hurt humans, we protect them and fight for them. It's the Decepticons who have no mercy. I've been observing you for some days. Let me help you. And you won't be alone anymore."

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