Chapter four: The note

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In a dark rundown house in the woods, sat a tall and lean man, he was arched over a wooden table. He was in the middle of writing, something when his phone started to ring. "Hello?" he asked, a female voice replied, "is it ready?" "Yes I will send it right over." The man said hanging up the phone.

The next morning Lola, Brad, Madison and Seth went over to comfort Camilla because she had to grieve all alone. "I hope she was able to sleep last night," said Madison softly taking Seth's hand and leading him up the driveway. "I don't think she had trouble sleeping last night." Lola said with a small smile, "huh, what do you mean?" asked Madison looking back at Lola and Brad. Lola just pointed at the extra car in the driveway, "I wonder whose car that is." Madison thought aloud, "Well whoever it is we'll find out soon," said Brad ringing the doorbell.

It was very serene and silent in Camilla's house. The sun was shining in through a crack in the living room curtains. A thin line of streaming light shone on two people, sleeping peacefully on the couch. The peace and tranquility was soon broken, by the ring of the doorbell, with a jerk Deacon woke up and quickly walked over to the front door, and opened the door. "Can I help you?" he asked groggily, "what in the world are you doing here?" yelled Madison and Lola at the same time, while Brad and Seth stared wide-eyed. "What do you mean what am I doing here. I live." Deacon said stopping in the middle of his sentence, when he realized he was not at home. "Did you sleep with her?" questioned Madison walking past a dazed Deacon, "uh no. I came here last night to give back her wallet and I guess we just fell asleep." He said scratching the back of his head. Before Deacon closed the door, he saw a piece of paper on the doorstep, after picking up the paper he walked back into the living room. As the four walked in, they were all shocked, at the lack of clothing Camilla was wearing. "So Camilla how did you sleep last night?" asked Lola, "good but I have a little pain in my neck?" Camilla replied rubbing her neck. "We see you had some company last night." Chimed in Madison, "company?" said Camilla softly, and then she looked up and saw Deacon standing in the doorway. Then Camilla understood what Madison and Lola were implying. "You nasty ass people, nothing happened he just returned my damn wallet." Huffed Camilla, everyone laughed.

"Anyways what do you have in your hand Deacon?" Asked Camilla changing the subject, "not a clue, but I think it's a note." He said opening it up, while he read it the colour drained from his face .started to turn pale and this got everyone else worried. "Deacon what does it say?" asked Seth. Thus, he read the note aloud, "Hello did everyone like my beautiful handy work at Sam's and Beth's anniversary, that's what Sam got for not keeping his word. You see Sam was supposed to make me rich, so I could keep his secret about how he would have his way with dead women. Disgusting is not it. Well you can see the necrophilia did not keep his end of the agreement, so I had to take actions into my own hands. Now on to more present things, yesterday was very bloody was it not? I killed them, because they would not give me what I wanted. I bet you all did not know that Marcus was having an affair with...I won't tell you just yet you will know soon enough though. Oh, did you know that Selene was a junky? I could not believe it when I found out, but nonetheless she is, well was. Other than those three people, Lola, Madison, Brad and Deacon have dirty little secrets; some even have skeletons in their closets. Moreover, if you will not do what I say I will expose the filthy truth. I will send you one task to do; you must do what the note says. Chose not to do it, then you will regret your decision. Oh and Camilla I'm watching you, so be a good little girl or I will kill you, sincerely secret." When Deacon finished everyone was scared and curious as to what were the secrets.

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