Chapter two: An awkward silence and breakfast at the Nook

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The guards on the grounds had heard the screaming and called the police immediately. Once the police arrived most of the guests were calmed and sent on their way. With all of the guests scrambling to get to their cars, the group of friends split up. "Holy shit why did I decide to get a ride from a taxi and not take my beautiful warm Charger?" asked a shivering Camilla to herself as she walked down the street. As she was walking, she noticed that a car had been following ever since she left Sam's estate. So she started to walk faster, she did not care if her heels broke she just wanted to get away from the person in the car.

"What the hell is going on in Arbourville? I mean first this crazy ass psycho kills Beth and now someone in a nice fucking car is stalking me. Well at least I'm going to be kidnapped in style, but this place has changed so much." She thought to herself, as she was turning the corner the driver called her name from the window. Now she was worried how this person knew her name. She looked back at the person calling her name and noticed it was Deacon. This got her mad and relieved at the same time so she chose to be mad instead of show him how happy she was to know it was he. "Who the hell do you think you are? Scaring the shit out of me?" she yelled at him, "hey I'm sorry for startling you, I just wanted to know if it was you or someone else." Deacon said. "Well what if I was someone else? Then what, you would be in some deep shit," said Camilla calming down a bit.

"Why are you walking out in the cold?" Deacon asked getting out of his car, "if you must know I left my car at home and when everyone was leaving I couldn't find the guys so I just started to walk. Well if you don't mind I'll be on my way" she said and started to walk away. Something in Deacon told him that he should not let her walk home, "Wait Cam," he had stopped himself when he saw the look she gave him. Deacon knew that only her friends would call her that, and he probably was not a friend anymore. So he jogged to catch up with her. "Wait's dark and whoever killed Beth maybe still out there. Instead of walking how about I give you a lift home?" he asked, "hmmm let me think.... No." replied Camilla and went on walking. "She sure is stubborn now."

Thought Deacon running to keep up with her, "okay I know we have our differences but I mean come on. Don't do it for me... do it for your own safety okay?" pleaded Deacon, Camilla did feel rather cold and she was losing feeling in her feet. Turning around to say no again Camilla missed the ice behind her and slipped falling into Deacon, inhaling deeply she looked up and thought she would melt in his embrace. With her in his arms Deacon felt how fragile she felt, he couldn't believe how small she had gotten it was like if he squeezed too much she would break. "Fine" she sighed in defeat, she knew he was right.

She just had her reasons as to why she did not want to get into a car with him alone. As she was walking to the car, she missed the look she got from the inhabitants of a passing car. Once she got in, she immediately felt in heaven because it was so warm in the car. When Camilla felt her senses come back to her, she noticed that the car had a smell of a type of cologne she never smelt before. It was not a strong smell but it was light, and she loved it Camilla wouldn't mind smelling that every day.

When Camilla was getting in Deacon got a better look at her, he noticed not only that she was small she was toned and in great shape. Now she was a stunning woman that could get any man she wanted, and he wanted to be that man. Leaving his thought about being hers he asked "uh so where are you staying?"

"Actually I'm living at 22 Cedar Wood drive, I moved back." she said and stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride. The two were getting uncomfortable in the silence; one wishing the other would say something. As Deacon was about to ask why she moved back, Camilla said they had reached her house. When Deacon drove up her driveway, he took notice of her black 2010 Dodge Charger. "Hmm she has good taste in cars." He thought. The two sat there not moving or talking. It was awkward for the both of them, because they have not been the best of friends for years. At the same time as Deacon was fixing his coat Camilla thanked him and got out in her rush. Once he saw that she was inside her house safely, he drove off.

The next day Camilla was sleeping peacefully when she was frightened out of bed, by her phone ringing. "Hell...o?" whispered Camilla, "hey sleepy head, its Madison. Since your back in town, we decided to have a welcome back breakfast for you.
So get out of bed and drag your lazy ass down to The Breakfast Nook on Rose Avenue, you remember where it is?" asked Madison.

"Yes I do see you in ten," groaned Camilla getting out of bed. When she finally reached, The Breakfast Nook she saw the smiling faces of her long-time friends. Nothing had really changed in Arbourville; all of the shops and house were the same. It seems that only the people were different now, Camilla thought looking around at her friends.

Once they ordered and had small talk, the girls started to gossip. "I still can't get over the way Beth was murdered." Said Lola biting into her pancakes, "anyways changing the topic guess what I saw last night." Teased Selene getting interested Camilla looked up from her food.

"Really now, so what did you see last night Selene?" asked Camilla, "I saw a certain someone getting into Deacon's car," Smiled Selene as all the girls burst into fits of laughter and they were teasing Camilla about it, "ha-ha. You Got into Deacon's car?" laughed Lola, Madison just looked at her with wide eyes.

"For Christ sakes children, it wasn't like that. I was walking home from the estate. Then Deacon drove up to me and asked if I needed a lift I said no, but then he insisted so I got in and he drove me home and that was it. I would not have too if you guys didn't leave me, so I blame you all."

Said Camilla taking the last bite of her toast, which caused them to laugh aloud again, as the group of women calmed down from their fits of laughter. They were eating quietly when a man burst into The Breakfast Nook screaming at the top of his lungs.

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