dream 1

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I had a dream where there was this mermaid that went back and forth between the human world and the Mermaid World and she was in the mermaid world trying to escape it because there was this disease sort of like chicken pox but it was like really bad and they had to put on these orange spray on their face in order not to get it and she was trying to bring back evidence of the Mermaid World I don't know why but she was like the mermaid prince princess and stuff and she was escaping and she was almost out but then there comes ease these guards are these people that try and stop her and they say she can't bring her Electronics anymore because she can't bring any evidence back that she can't bring her any evidence of the mermaids and they almost take it away from her or someone of the mermaids almost steals it but her friend the prince grab it for her and gives it back to her and because of that guard at the door she never got to say goodbye to him she got pushed out the door back where the water is which I guess it's an Italy because it was right next to a train track I don't know anyway she gets off the train track wearing her normal clothes Being Human everyone saying hi to her and they I guess it's a normal thing for them or they know I don't know and then you know she's away and then the next day you find that Prince friend of hers going to them as a human and he's going to this thing nearby the train tracks an old boat or an old car and he feels Superbad and he literally is about to lose it but then she comes and find him and everyone is cheering for her cuz they all know her I guess it's a small town or something and she comes and he hugs her she hugs him back and she starts to cry she started saying that she missed him and even though she had just left she missed him and she never got to say goodbye and she was worried for him she was worried that he got the disease or that he got held back because he knew about her that they were going to get rid of him. And mind you this is all a dream guys like at the end when I was waking up I was literally bawling honestly should I make a book out of this?

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