Matt's Dream

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I woke up laying in an old warehouse looking place. Confused, I sat up, and decided to walk around. My bare feet against the cold floor made me shiver. "Its cold in here..." I muttered. My voice sounded off, but I pushed it to the side.

As I neared what looked like a factory room, I saw bottles upon bottles of jack and whiskey. I went and picked up a whiskey, hoping it still had something in it.

It did!

I opened it up and drank it, walking around the place as I did. "Hm... I wonder how I got here? Yo, I guess alcohol make ya do crazy shit." I said. My voice echoed. "Well, maybe I can find the guys." I decided to look for them. "Jordan! Danny! Dylan! Where are you guys! George! Jorel!" I yelled. No answer. "Well why would they be in a different place than me? We were all in my living room when we were drinking." I was so confused.

I entered what looked like a bedroom, and I saw a mirror. I saw a girl in it, so I thought someone else was there. "Hello? Where are you?" I asked. As I got closer to the mirror, I realized that the girl was....


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