monosylabic persuasion.

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Officially I think that they're my new OTP s2g how perfect could two people be Ezra is so funny and like a normal girl and Harry is adorable and he seems really happy right now like he keeps tweeting and posting Vines and seems like he's having a blast.

They've been spotted out together like six times within the past three weeks idk if it's a relationship or not it's perfect

I don't really get why people are tripping over Hezra it isn't confirmed like she denied it herself. Everyone's all wet because she's "a fan" and "normal" but um no. Normal isn't making money making stupid videos and getting to interview famous people

Ngl if Hezra is real I'm a little disappointed Harry could do sooo much better. He could date supermodels and actresses and super gorgeous people why would he go for someone is so plain? She's not pretty at all.

I am so mad at the people saying Harry could do better did it never occur to people that it might not be about looks for him she seems really funny and smart and that's better than her looking perfect.

Omg imagine if Hezra is real she could do like a boyfriend tag video or vlogs with Harry and it would be so perfect I would die.

Idgaf if it's true or not but jesus get it out of the harry styles tag I want to see hot man meat not shit about some chick and him it's his life

I ended up at Pixie Geldof's birthday dinner by accident. I did not start out that particular Wednesday night hoping to crash (was it crashing?) a London socialite's birthday celebration, nor did I anticipate any of the events that would follow, but somehow I ended up sitting directly across from Nick Grimshaw, squinting at him through the dim lighting of the restaurant and the steam that was building on my glasses. He was smirking down at his phone, fingers tapping swiftly against the screen, and then his gaze darted up to me, lips twitching up even further.

"Ezra!" He exclaimed, making my name and my appearance seem like a much jollier occasion than it probably really was, resting one elbow on the table as he leaned towards me. "How do you know Pixie?"

"Um, I don't, actually." I ran my tongue along the bottom of my lip nervously as I looked to my left, searching for the reason that I was at this restaurant in the first place. "I know Evie." I jerked my head to the blonde standing at the edge of the table, flipping through the karaoke selections. "And we just kind of ended up here."

'Ended up here' was the only vague way I could describe how exactly I ended up at a karaoke lounge in North London, because if it were up to me, the only place I would've ended up tonight was back at my flat, revising for my media communications exam and editing footage. Originally, that had been the plan. Evie, the long-legged, blonde goddess giggling over song selections with Daisy Lowe in the corner, sat next to me in my media communications class. We were supposed to be revising for our exam together, as had been the plan at five thirty this afternoon, but when I showed up to her flat in all of my dirty-haired, glasses-wearing glory, wearing a pair of thick leggings and my dingiest flannel shirt, she told me that she wanted to go for a late dinner somewhere first. I agreed, thinking that dinner meant some Chinese food and Chinese food was good studying fuel, but somehow I ended up here, looking like a complete mess in front of, apparently, hipster London royalty.

"Evie didn't tell you where you were going?" Nick asked, looking more and more amused by the second, probably because I was wearing a flannel shirt that was missing two buttons and had a hole at the bottom hem.

I shook my head my head with a sigh. "We're supposed to be revising." I informed him. "Had I known where the night was going to lead, I would've left the textbooks at home and brought a card."

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