banana chocolate milkshake.

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"Greetings, my little honey bunches of oats. It is currently Tuesday, Feburary 23rd, 2013, and it's time for another weekly update of TMI Tuesday. First, I want to thank you guys so much for your support of the video I put up last Tuesday. I know it was a heavy, but it was a subject matter that I felt really needed to be addressed. I was a little nervous, but I know that I can be straight and honest with you guys. To balance things out a little bit, today's TMI Tuesday is going to be considerably lighter. The 50 Facts About Me Tag has been floating around the web and I am nothing if not a follower. I'll try to keep this quick and interesting - even if I'm not particularly interesting. Let's chat, yeah?

1. My middle name is Olivia. Yes, I am aware that Ezra Olivia is a mouthful.

2. Ham and pineapple pizza is my favorite.

3. When I was seven, I stole a tube of chapstick from a store and that is the highlight of my career in crime.

4. I can't roll my tongue.

5. The bottom of my purse contains nothing but uncapped pens and taco sauce packets from Taco Bell.

6. More often than not, you can find me in the school supplies section of Target.

7. Wendy's is the best fast food chain. Yes, I've been to In N Out. No, I haven't been to every fast food chain in the world, but of the basic like, five, Wendy's is the over all winner. I also stand by my beliefs so yes I will fight you to the death on this.

8. I am Troye Sivan. Troyen Sivan is me. If me had better hair and more sass.

9. I have spent my time in the shower since I was thirteen perfecting my Oscars acceptance speech. Now it's just time to figure out what I'm winning one for.

10. I can lick my elbow.

11. I was a dancer for a very brief, but very important period of my life. I was basically a celebrity. Also, I was two and a tree in the dance recital.

12. Coincidentally, I stopped being a dancer because I was so awful I couldn't even handle being a tree in a dance recital.

13. I collect Russian stacking dolls.

14. My favorite Saturday morning activity is going to garage sales with my mom.

15. My second favorite Saturday morning activity is sleeping Saturday morning away.

16. My cat's name is Chunky Salsa. She is a queen.

17. One Direction used to be like, my ironic guilty pleasure, but now I just think I'm genuinely obsessed.

18. I have a favorite spot in my school's library and it's gotten to the point that if I come in and someone is sitting in my spot I will either hover until they are uncomfortable or leave.

19. I have seen every episode of Gilmore Girls ever and my collection of all seven seasons is a prized possession. This stems from the fact that I live in Connecticut and the show is set in Connecticut and also I really want to be Rory Gilmore.

20. The third season is my favorite, in case you were wondering.

21. Every sandwich is a perfect sandwich as long as it has avocado on it.

22. Okay, the last fact wasn't so much as a fact about me as it was a general accepted truth about life but I am full of exciting facts and details like that. Fact.

23. Like everyone else so wrongfully believed, I too believed that FAQ meant facts and not Frequently Asked Questions and finding out the truth is why I don't trust the world.

24. My animal self is a sloth.

25. The first thing I did when I turned eighteen was buy a lottery ticket, which was mildly disappointing because they didn't even card me for it.

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