The kidnapping

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{Hi, guys! Since this story has been this successful I decided to revise it all, correcting, updating and adding pieces to make it even more epic! I'm going to unpublish-republish every chapter, if you want to read it again - have fun! If you're new, enjoy and good luck! Expect a lot of fangirling ;)

I am alone.

Literally. My family fell apart about 3 months ago and since then my house has been the street. That's right, I ran away from my home. I had to. My brother became addicted to drugs and practically never showed up at home. My father couldn't live without an alcohol bottle in his hand and the TV in front of him.
My mother? She died. Many years ago. During the War of Chicago.

This is in fact the truth of my world: the Earth is invaded by autonomous robotic organisms coming from planet Cybertron. They came here and fought against each other for some confused reasons.

My mum was all I had.
They killed her.
It's all I know.

Today is a sunny summer day. The sun is so hot it makes Chicago's suburb incandescent. I'm hungry and tired. I have been running for days because of a gang of bad boys who kept following me. And I am pretty sure they're still on my tracks.

I enter a McDonald's after fixing my hair a little bit, trying to make myself look as human as possible. I don't have to wait much, fortunately, and reach the counter.
A small dark-haired woman puts her eyes on me.


I try to ignore her weird expression but I still wonder if it's so visible that I haven't had a shower in probably a week.

"A double cheeseburger, please" I say.

She taps it on a screen in front of her.

"Something to drink?"

"Still water."

I pay with my father's credit card. I stole it before leaving.

"Alright, just wait few minutes."

"Thank you" I say and move to the side to let the person behind me order.

I eat my lunch quickly and leave that place. I don't want to stay in a place for too long. It could be dangerous. And moreover I can't stand all those questioning gazes landing on me more than the necessary.

I put my backpack on my shoulders and begin to walk at a fast pace. I keep moving Eastward, I want to reach New York. And the Ocean. What about later? I have no idea. For now I just want to stay alive and keep going.

Roughly one hour later I decide to take a break. The sun is merciless, I'm thirsty and my hair seems on the verge of burning. I rest under a tree, trying to enjoy the shadow and I take few sips from my bottle of water - I need to keep it for the rest of the day.

Everything seems calm and quiet. For a moment, just a moment, it seems that it could be a peaceful day. But I think too soon.

"Hey!" someone yells threateningly.

I don't need to turn around, I know whose that voice. I just start running. I can't do otherwise.

"Come here, bitch!" another voice yells.

I shiver. And continue to run.
The sun is dreadful, my feet hurt, I'm out of breath. I keep running.

"Where do you think you're going, uh?"

The voices are still behind me. They're running too.

My chest hurts. My feet scream.
I keep running.

Casually I find myself in a parking and I feel extremely lucky. I must hide here somewhere. Walking among the cars I casually see my reflection in a rearview mirror. My wavy dark-honey hair surrounds my face and my fearful eyes are of a very dark shade of green. It happens when I have negative feelings.

I run behind a car and keep walking quickly to leave them behind. I walk through cars' rows until I am definitely exhausted and I just fall on my knees. I'm hidden to their sight. For now.

"Where are you, sweetheart?" says the voice of my nightmares.

I hold my breath fearing of being heard. I'm scared to death. If they catch me, my life is over. I hear some steps getting closer, some evil laughs. I feel my eyes tingle. I bite my inferior lip and just don't move.

As soon as the first tear makes its way down my cheek, a door of the car right in front of me snaps open and I boggle and gasp, not expecting it.

"Hide here" a weird male voice orders, coming from inside.

Do I have choices? No. They are about to jump on me but I'm faster and spring into the car. But as soon as I notice there's actually no one inside, I start to freak out. Who did that voice belong to?

Everything happens fast.
The doors lock, the engine starts and the car springs backwards, putting KO one of my assaulters. My mind cannot process what's going on yet. I'm just apparently escaping hell and I can't think of anything else.

The car runs fastly outside the parking and continues on the street, as if it knew where it was going. As the danger fades away, I return to my senses and realize my situation.

"What the heck?!" I scream at the steering wheel, trying to move it, but it just moves as if it had a mind.

"Calm down, calm down lady, you're safe now" the radio says suddenly making me boggle once more.

My brain starts processing and calculating all those information sinking in.

"What the-" I begin again, but I stop myself, coming to a conclusion. "Y-you're one of them, aren't you? You're a T-transformer" I stammer.

"You got it, lil lady."

I can't move.
I just stare into space.

While rage starts boiling inside of me together with old memories.

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